Part 15

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You entered the compound, nerves bouncing everywhere. It was eleven at night. In only an hour you'd turn 21 and Turn into a werecat.

You'd been fine after that little 'incident' at Lucien's penthouse. Scared yourself and everyone else half to death (literally in your case), but you pulled through.

Speaking of Lucien, he and Aurora had been..."taken care of." Elijah's words. You didn't ask.

There was nothing else to prepare for the Turn. Everything was ready. You, on the other hand, not so much. You were flipping terrified. There were plenty of things that could go wrong during a Turn. The chances of one or all of those things happening to you were slim to none, but they were there, and that was enough to send your brain into overdrive. Read: Imagining all those things in excruciating detail.

Seeing the space for the spell all set up reminded you that this was really happening. For the first time in your life you felt actual fear about Turning. You snuck to your room as fast you could, shut the door and hid in the corner furthest from it.

You weren't sure how long you sat there. It must've been a while, because you heard footsteps constantly passing your door and voices drifting close and away.

"Where are they?" Elijah.

"I don't know." Rebekah.

"It's nearly midnight. They need to be down here at least five minutes before that." Freya.

"Call them or something, then. Maybe they haven't realized what time it is." Hayley.

Interestingly, you didn't hear Klaus. As soon as you thought that, the door handle turned. The saying usually goes "speak of the devil", but you supposed in this case it was "think of the devil."

It took Klaus no time at all to spot you in your little corner. You guessed it wasn't as hidden as you thought.

"Nervous?" He asked, sitting across from you.

"A little," you replied quietly.

"It'll be fine, Y/N. Nothing bad will happen."

You just nodded and picked at your cuticles. Klaus took your hand and squeezed it. "We'll be right there with you."

"I know," you whispered, squeezing back.

He pulled you up. "It's time, love."

If your heart wasn't pounding before, it sure as hell was now. You wondered if it was possible for it pound out of your chest as you laid on the ground in the courtyard. You would've rather been on a bed or a couch, but there was somehow a chance you would accidentally fall off. No sense in risking you hurting yourself.

You stared up intently at the sky. Freya started counting down from sixty. You forced yourself to breathe right. You weren't sure if a countdown was worse than the Turn just suddenly happening.

You didn't hear her reach one. Your eyes rolled back in your head, and your body began thrashing. You swore you were on fire. You faintly registered chanting in the background. You couldn't stop thrashing, you just wanted it to end–

You slumped, breathing hard. You rolled on your side and wondered if you were about to throw up. When nothing happened, you sat up. At some point you'd closed your eyes, so you opened them

You heard crickets. Cars. Voices outside the compound. Music.

You could see a lone cricket hopping around in the corner, something you hadn't noticed before. You looked up and took note of the stars in the sky you swore weren't there before.


A smile broke out on your face as you looked at Klaus.

"I can see and hear everything," you breathed.

You looked behind you and felt your head. "Kinda bummed about the lack of a tail and cat ears."

You prodded your teeth, and your eyes widened. "I have fangs."

Everyone started laughing.

"What's so funny?" You asked.

"The look on your face," Rebekah explained. "It's like you're seeing the world for the first time."

"It feels like it! This is awesome!

You didn't sleep that night. Instead you spent it intently listening for any and every little sound you could hear. You stopped doing that at about two a.m., though, when you came across some noises you'd rather not hear again. Ever.

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