Part 8

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1 year later...

You landed flat on your ass. Again. Elijah held his hand out to you and you took it. He pulled you up and you got back in position.

Elijah was teaching you how to fight. Or at least how to defend yourself. He was the best teacher you could've asked for. He was patient and kind and willing to go over what you had trouble with.

Over the past six months you'd learned how to break someone's neck and rip their head off. The latter would be a hell of a lot easier once you Turned and had your supernatural strength. Until then you'd have to settle for fighting as a human.

You also knew some offensive and defensive moves and were putting them into action by sparring with Elijah. It was also good practice for fighting someone who was fasting than you. You'd be lying, however, if you said you weren't getting frustrated. You hadn't beaten Elijah once, but he'd beaten you more times than you cared to count.

You landed on your back and had the wind knocked out of you.

"Are you alright?" Elijah asked.

You nodded and sat up. When you took his hand, you yanked him down and quickly rolled out of the way. He landed on the ground next to you. You shot to your feet and moved so he couldn't grab you.

He chuckled. "I told you you would get it."

"Only took me about a hundred tries," you replied, grinning.

He got up. "Something else that would be good to know is how to rip out someone's heart."

Your eyes widened. "Uh, I don't think that's necessary. First of all, I already know how to break someone's neck and rip their head off. Second, I haven't Turned yet, so I don't have the strength to shove my hand in someone's chest and rip their heart out."

"I suppose you have a point. Still, it would be a good idea to have a general idea of where your hand should go."

That is so not what you wanted. Your stomach dropped a little, like when you were in an elevator.

Elijah proceeded to show you where to place your hand and described to you how much force was needed to make your hand go in and come back out. Of course, you had to have some care, otherwise you could just punch straight through the heart. Because that's a thing.


The Mikaelsons were facing yet another enemy. This one had a particularly stabby dark object. Of course, little was known about this object, so research had to be done. Which is what you and Klaus were doing.

It had gotten a little better than it was in the beginning. Granted, it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows, but Klaus seemed to be trying. You had to give him credit for that. You were starting to see the man your mother had told you about, and that gave you hope that you hadn't made the wrong decision six months ago.

You looked up from your book after finding something with potential. Klaus wasn't in the room anymore. Of course. Oh, how you couldn't wait to Turn so you'd get your supernatural hearing and know when they were still in the room. Or when they were about to sneak up on you.

Feeling tired, frustrated and a little pessimistic about your discovery, you growled, slammed the book down and stormed out of the room.

"Klaus, where the hell are you?" You called. "I think I found something, and I'd like to share it with you. But hey, if you don't wanna hear it, that's fine too."

Elijah and Rebekah were out. It was just you and Klaus. Depending on your moods (more on his than yours), you could be sweethearts to each other or at each other's throats. Your relationship was still a work in progress.

You went downstairs into the courtyard. You opened your mouth to shout for him again when something grabbed you and covered your mouth. You immediately started thrashing.

"I've been looking for you, little birdy." You knew that voice. This was the man that killed your mother. How the hell did he find you?

"I can't wait to see the look on your face when I cut your throat open," he said. "Just like I did to your mother."

Your vision turned red with rage. You elbowed him in the gut. He groaned and let go of you. You spun and clocked him in the face.

"Klaus!" you shouted.

You may have been able to fight now, but you were still human, and this asshole was a vampire. A pissed off vampire. You knew you couldn't take him on your own. You needed help.

The man got up, laughed, and lunged. You jumped out of the way and tried to kick him. He caught your ankle and pulled. You went down on your back and felt the breath leave your body. You gasped for air and he started kicking you in the abdomen. You gasped again and then he was gone.

When you finally caught your breath you rolled over. Klaus had the man pinned against the wall by the throat. You tried to sit up, but an ache in your left side caused you to gasp, which made it worse, which made you stop moving altogether.

You tried to take a deep breath, but even that hurt. You settled for breathing as deep you could and keeping it regulated. You stood as quickly as you could, turned and froze.

Klaus was lying on the ground unconscious. The man was standing over him with a stake. Pain forgotten, you screamed and tackled the man to the ground. Clearly catching him off guard, the two of you rolled and rolled and rolled. When you stopped, he was on top of you. He laughed, grabbed your neck and started strangling you.

You instinctively grabbed his wrists and dug your nails in his flesh and pulled. It wasn't working, and black spots were beginning to dance around the edges of your vision.

You started feeling around for something, anything, to use against him. There. You grabbed whatever it was and swung. It hit him on the head and he let go. You realized you were holding the stake. Without even thinking about it, you drove it through his heart.

You watched as shock dawned on his face, and as the light went out of his eyes. He slumped forward and on top of you, stake still in his chest. You tried to shove him off, but he was too heavy. You began to panic. There was a dead body lying on top of you, and you couldn't get it off. Tears leaked from the corners of your eyes as your shoves started growing more frantic.

"Klaus," you called. "Klaus, please, wake up!"

What if he was dead? The thought slithered into your mind, and your fear grew. "Nik, please! Nik! Nik, wake up, I can't get him off me! Please!"

You closed your eyes, thinking maybe if you didn't see the body on you it wouldn't be there. It might've worked if you hadn't been able to feel its weight. Its weight...which wasn't there anymore?

You opened your eyes and blinked more tears away. The body was off you. You sat up, gasping.

"Nik!" You called again.

"I'm right here, Y/N."

You whipped your head to the right and, sure enough, there he was. Klaus wrapped his arms around you and held you as you cried. When the tears finally stopped, you were so tired. The adrenaline had left your body, and now you were aching and wanted to sleep.

Klaus gently helped you up. Your side pulsed and you hissed. He picked you up and carried you to your room, setting you down on the bed. You closed your eyes, only meaning to for just a moment, and fell asleep.

You killed the man who your mother. You avenged her. Now you had to somehow come to terms with that. Now you had to decide what to do. Again.

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