Part 10

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1 year later...

Klaus now had a daughter, Hope, with a werewolf-turned-hybrid named Hayley. The oldest Mikaelson sibling, Freya, came back. Enemies had come and gone, and there was peace again. For now, at least.

You had just turned 20. Only one year until you Turned. You had no idea what the hell you were supposed to do.

You were wandering around the compound. It was something you liked to do lately, when you were home alone. You entered another room, and stopped.

There was a long box lying on a pedestal in the middle of the room. A coffin. Suddenly nervous, you looked around and approached it. The lid was closed. You opened it and gasped.

Rebekah. She'd gone out of the country for a little vacation. Or at least, that's what you thought.

"I hope Rebekah's having fun in Europe," you said. "Do you know when she's coming back?"

"I'm not sure," Klaus replied.

"I think I'll text her later, try to set up a video chat."

"Let me know if it works out."

But here she was. In a coffin. With a dagger in her chest. You immediately yanked the dagger out and stepped back. A few moments passed, and suddenly Rebekah sat up.

She explained how Klaus hadn't wanted her to go to Europe, but she tried anyway, so he daggered her and made everyone believe she'd gone. You didn't want to believe that Klaus did it, that he broke his promise to you. However, you also didn't want to delude yourself. Regardless, you decided to do something.

You went off to Klaus' room, Rebekah hot on your heels.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"I'm gonna find every stupid dagger and hide them," you replied.

"Are you out of your mind?! As soon as Klaus finds out, he'll–"

"I know the risks, Rebekah."

You paused your search and looked at her. "I'm not gonna ask you to help me." Neither of you said anything for a long moment. If Rebekah helped you, there was no telling what he'd do to her. Or, now that you thought about it, what he'd do to you.

"Well get moving," Rebekah said. "We don't have all day."

You had managed to find all the daggers. You hoped Klaus didn't have any spares. You hid them somewhere only you knew about.


It was evening now. Klaus had texted you that he and Elijah would be home any minute. You were sitting on a couch in the courtyard. Your stomach was in knots. You didn't wanna do this. But you had to.

"Hello, love," Klaus said from behind you.

You looked at him. "Hi."

He went to the bar. You swallowed. Now or never, you thought.

"So," you began. "Sometimes, when I'm home alone, I like to wander the compound a bit. Almost seems like there's something new every time."

"Did you find anything this time?" He asked.

"Yeah. I did. I went into a room and found, of all things, a coffin."

You had Klaus' attention now. "So like every stupid person in every horror movie, I opened it. Imagine my surprise when I found Rebekah inside with a dagger in her chest."

Your heart was pounding at this point. You were almost afraid to see his face. "Naturally, I pulled it out. I just can't figure out who would dagger her."

Now you looked at Klaus. He was looking anywhere but you.

"She was going to leave us," he finally said.

You closed your eyes. "You daggered her?"

"What was I supposed to do, Y/N? Let her leave?"

"Yes! That's exactly what you should've done! Let me ask you something: You know I want to travel. I want to see the world. That means I'll leave at some point. Tell me, Klaus, are you gonna dagger me, too? Because at this point I wouldn't put it past you."

"I would never hurt you!"

"You always say that to the people you care about! And then you dagger them, or do something else to hurt them! And, personally, my favorite part is when you say you did it to protect them when you know that's BS!"

You stood up. "You promised me you wouldn't use that dagger again. And you broke it without even giving it a second thought."

You went back to your room before he could say anything else.

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