Take 3

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HARRY walks in the door to his house. He trudges to the kitchen with a laziness about him that suggests that he just wants to get into bed, but is forcing himself to go somewhere else. When he gets to the bathroom, he starts peeling off his expensive clothing like a second layer of skin.

When he finishes undressing, he steps in the shower. His shower goes by quickly. After he finishes his shower, he heads into his bedroom.

NICHOLETTE is already sitting on their shared bed flipping through a magazine in her nightgown. Her wavy, black hair hangs loosely around her face in a way that isn't normal for her character's normal sleeked back style.


(Casually) How was it? Meet any guys?

(HARRY massages a towel through his hair, hoping to dry it before getting into bed. NICHOLETTE places her magazine down as HARRY climbs into the bed next to her.)


Uh... yeah, I did actually. I danced with this one guy and he... he seemed fun.

(HARRY becomes closed off as if he's uncomfortable in the situation. NICHOLETTE notices and grabs his hand tenderly and brings it to her lips to kiss.)


Harry, when I married you I knew that you were gay. There's no reason to feel uncomfortable talking about it. We're always friends before we're partners. It's not like our marriage means anything anyway. We haven't loved each other since college. You shouldn't feel bad about this anymore.


I know... I just don't like the idea of being married. We both know that our marriage isn't real, but other people don't.


I know.

(She rubs her thumb over the back of his hand.)


Anyway, I gave him my personal Instagram account handle. I really do think he's pretty cool, Nic.


Maybe one day I'll meet him.


Zayn's pissed at you for leaving early. He said you better be lucky that they managed to get a good shot the first time around.


(sighing) It's not like he's going to fire me, I make him too much money.

The couple lay in silence for a moment as NICHOLETTE drifts off to sleep. HARRY lays awake when his phone dings.

Make sure that there's room while filming for Instagram notifications and feed posts.


LouisssT has requested to follow you

(HARRY clicks on the notification and is brought to the Instagram feed. The account belongs to LOUIS. HARRY scrolls through a few of LOUIS' most recent posts.)



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LouisssT Lads back at it again

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LouisssT New video on my channel with this nutter

NoPayneNoGain Mellon head

(HARRY accepts the follow request. A moment later, he gets an Instagram DM from LOUIS.)

LouisssT: u left me hanging out there

(Texting bubbled appear and disappear as HARRY tries to figure out what to say.)

Harry_Styles: Yeah. I wasn't feeling great.

LouisssT: hope i didnt take advantage of u if u didnt feel good

Harry_Styles: If anyone took advantage of anyone, it was me.

LouisssT: i dont mind ;)

LouisssT: right well im going to bed. hope u feel better

HARRY closes his phone screen and can't keep a smile off of his face. Quietly, he connects his phone to it's charger and turns to face NICHOLETTE, who is still sleeping.


(to NICHOLETTE) Goodnight

(HARRY leans down and kisses her forehead.)



Hey guys!! So... I haven't had an author's note for this book before, so hello! How are we feeling? Do we like this? I hope y'all do!! Updates for this book will take place on Thursdays. I am hoping for a few more comments on this part!! Tell me something interesting about yourself or your thoughts!! Thanks so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! ~B

QOTC: What do you think of Nicolette? Harry? Louis?

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