Take 8

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The scene opens with LOUIS on his phone sitting in his living room. LOUIS is wearing a simple outfit as LIAM wears his Target work uniform. It appears as though LIAM is getting ready for work.


He wants to hang out in person again, Li! That's great! I mean... we've only ever met but the once at the club and then when we had dinner, but maybe he wants to be more personal or isolated. What do I say?


(obviously tired of LOUIS' indecisiveness.) Probably say yes.

(Sighing, LIAM walks around as if he's trying to locate something, but LOUIS doesn't seem to notice him.)


Have you seen my keys?

(He flips over couch cushions in his attempt to locate his keys. LOUIS is only bothered when he attempts to look around and under LOUIS himself.)


This is a far more pressing matter than your keys, Liam. This could make or break my relationship, Liam. Don't you care at all?


(obviously not caring) No


(sighing loudly) Well then.

LOUIS gets up off the couch and heads back into his own bedroom. He slides into his own bed. LOUIS' room is a disaster. Clothes are thrown everywhere as if he raided his closet and then forgot to put everything back where it belonged. Random papers lay in the piles with clothes. No food or food wrappers can be seen but there are some empty water bottles. The walls of the room are painted a nice, light blue shade and the floors are laminate. His bed is messy as well. A small desk is shoved into the corner of his room with a laptop sitting on top of it.

(LOUIS' face lights up as he gets an Instagram message from HARRY.)

Harry_Styles: We finished filming a little bit early today. Do you have any plans?

(LOUIS considers this for a moment before responding.)

LouisssT: i wouldnt mind seeing u tbh

(A few moments pass as we wait for HARRY'S response. LOUIS grows a little concerned as he watches the typing bubbles appear and disappear a couple of times.)

Harry_Styles: I would never say no to seeing you. What did you have in mind?

LouisssT: idk really. dont really care as long as i get to see you

(Another moment passes.)

Harry_Styles: How about I come over to your house? I would invite you over to mine, but there're cameras everywhere.

(LOUIS' eyes widen and he glances around nervously. He sits up in his bed as if suddenly realizing that HARRY would be coming over.)

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