Take 9

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The scene opens with HARRY sitting on the floor in front of LOUIS' couch. He watches LOUIS anxiously as LOUIS sets up a camera of some sort. The camera is small and is balanced on top of a stack of books with a desk lamp sitting behind it. The lamp gives the room a white glow and faces the two boys as LOUIS joins HARRY. LOUIS moves around a little in his spot before getting up again and running back over to the camera. He seems anxious.


I'm sure it's fine, Louis.

(LOUIS bites on his lip as he barely touches the camera to turn it a hair to the right. He gives everything one last look before going back to sit next to HARRY.)


I know, I know. I'm just trying to make sure that this is perfect. I don't want it to look like shit and have to refilm the whole thing.


(a little awestruck) So, what, if you don't like how something looks you can just scrap the whole thing and try again?


(confused) Yeah? I can sit here and film the same thing all day until I get it just as I want it. Do you guys not do that with your show? I mean... I figured that it wasn't really reality.

(HARRY glances down at his lap and gives a small shrug)


Of course, it's not reality but that doesn't mean that we can just control what we film. I mean if I thought I sounded weird saying something and Zayn likes it then it stays in. I guess I just think that it's cool that you get to control how you appear, you know?

(LOUIS considers this for a moment before shrugging back at HARRY. His demeanor shows that he doesn't quite know how to respond to HARRY'S statement.)


Yeah, I guess.



(sighing) Alright, well how do you know when to start?


Well, you pretty much just start when you want to. The camera's recording so really I could put any of this in the video.


(nodding) Right, then I should probably go ahead and tweet then, huh?

Harry. @Harry_Styles

What is something you've always wanted to ask me?

(Immediately, a ding comes from LOUIS' phone. A blush spreads across his cheeks as LOUIS pulls his phone out.)


(laughing) Do you have me on Twitter notifications?

(LOUIS looks down at his phone and then back up at HARRY. He shrugs and tosses the phone on the bed)

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