Take 6

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The scene starts with LOUIS sitting alone on the couch in his living room. It's obvious that his apartment is a little bit run down. A TV sits in front of him on a stand. The couch is a simple three-seat couch with a brown sofa cover with various stains. Most are not noticeable if you aren't looking for them, but the trained eye can see that they exist. LOUIS doesn't seem bothered by the stains. He sits with his legs spread out wearing track suit bottoms and an oversized sweater in typical LOUIS fashion. His phone sits next to him. The opening for Married to Millionaires plays on the television.

(LIAM enters the living room.)


What're you up to?



(LOUIS' phone bings and he immediately reaches for it. An Instagram message appears in the top corner. Make sure to account for this while filming.)

Harry_Styles: What episode are you watching?

LouisssT: jamaica

(LOUIS' attention is brought away from his phone as LIAM abruptly sits on the couch next to LOUIS. LIAM attempts to peer over LIAM'S shoulder to read the messages, but LOUIS locks his phone before LIAM can read anything.)


Fine. Keep your secrets.

(LIAM crosses his arms in an over-dramatic pout as both boys turn their eyes to the television screen. HARRY, NICHOLETTE, ANNELISE, and GISSELLE are on the screen. Everyone appears two to three years younger than they do currently. GISSELLE is 8. The four share the following dialogue on screen.)

The four seem to be lounging in a hotel room. The room is fancy and obviously expensive. A large bed sits in the middle of the room with a pale white duvet. Golden-framed pictures are plastered on walls. The hotel room is divided into two with the bed on one side and a sitting area on the other. GISSELLE lays on the floor playing on her phone while HARRY, ANNELISE, and NICHOLETTE take part in idle conversation.


Isn't this wonderful? I'm so glad we took some time away to breathe and relax some.

(ANNELISE throws a smile towards NICHOLETTE. NICHOLETTE smiles back forcefully.)


Yeah, it sure is. What should we get up to today?


(To GISSELLE) What do you want to get up to Gessie?

(GISSELLE looks up at the sound of her name and faces HARRY.)


Something not boring.

(The scene on the television slowly fades out as the attention is brought back to LOUIS and LIAM on their couch.)

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