Take 7

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(The scene opens in the Everly family living room. ANNELISE, NICHOLETTE, HARRY, and PRESCOTT sit around the living room together. Large cameras and lights can be seen surrounding the living room area. ZAYN sits in a director's chair behind a small television showing the four characters sitting. The set for the living room should be classy and upscale.)

(INTERNS run around with things of coffee and scripts while someone applies a powder to PRESCOTT'S face. PRESCOTT doesn't seemed phased by the makeup powder being applied and adjusts his tie as she does so.

(NICHOLETTE and ANNELISE are looking over a piece of paper, presumably a script. They talk a little to each other, but mostly mumble their lines to themselves quietly.

(HARRY has his eyes on his phone. He wears a floral, flowy blouse and his hair is tied into a small bun at the back of his head. He doesn't seem to notice everything going on as he's so sucked into his phone. Leave space for Instagram messages in the top corner.)

LouisssT: u think ur so clever

Harry_Styles: I certainly do. You are very tiny, Louis. I'm sorry if that offends you. It makes you... adorable.

LouisssT: mY naMe iS hArRy aNd iM tOl aNd LiKe tO maKe FuN Of LOuiS fOr BeInG TinY tO mAkE mYsElF feEl BeTtEr

Harry_Styles: I think I have a headache from reading that. lol.

Harry_Styles: I feel perfectly content with myself, thank you very much. Making fun of you is just a hobby.

(A smile plays across HARRY'S lips. Typing bubbles appear and disappear and HARRY waits excitedly for LOUIS' response. Before he has the chance to respond, however, ZAYN is calling everyone's attention.)


(annoyed) Harry, do you have something more important you would like to be doing?

(ZAYN gives HARRY a pointed look. HARRY rolls his eyes and stuffs his phone underneath this thigh. Everyone that was previously in the living room are now standing behind ZAYN except for ANNELISE, NICHOLETTE, PRESCOTT, and HARRY.)


That's what I thought. Now, for this scene, we're going to be talking about Gisselle's birthday party planning. Make sure that we get a little sentimental. We're going to be showing a little bit into Annelise's past here. A few golden tears, Annelise, would make this scene perfect. It would really grip the audience's heart.

(ANNELISE seems a little taken aback by ZAYN'S statement. NICHOLETTE and HARRY both seem offended for her as well. PRESCOTT looks unbothered.)


Is there a problem?


(blinking as if pulling herself out of a trance) No. No problem at all.

(ANNELISE sniffles a little bit as she turns to face the floor.)

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