Incorrect Quotes 5

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Before this chapter starts, I just wanna thank you for almost 400 reads!
I know it's kinda pathetic when you look at other stories, but im just really happy that someone is reading these :P

Enough of me being cheesy, lets get on with the chapter!

Stephen: Oh why do I bother? No one's ever listening.

Hosuh: I heard that.

Stephen: Oh, sure! Now they listen!

Stephen: Done! I win!

Daniel: It wansn't a race...

Stephen: That's what losers say!

Daniel: Haha, goodbyes are so awkward. Like, do I go in for a kiss or what?

McDonald's employee: Please just take your food and leave...

Hosuh [Coming into the living room with a big box]: Hey Daniel, what would you say If i came into the house with 4 puppies?


Daniel: What's in the box?


Daniel: Hosuh, what's in the box?

Hosuh: I think you know.

Daniel: So Hosuh, how was school today?

Hosuh: Some guy pushed me.

Daniel: Did you push him back?

Hosuh: No, he was bigger than me.

Daniel: Uh-huh. Stephen?

Stephen [Cracking his knuckles]: I'm on it.

Stephen: I need to get my glasses fixed.

Hosuh: What's wrong?

Stephen: The screw keeps falling out.

Daniel: So you're saying that your glasses are screwing around with you?

Stephen: I am going to fucking murder you.

Hosuh: You'd better stop raising your voice at me right now!

Stephen: Or what?

Hosuh: I'll... I'll cry, and I really don't want to be embarassed right now.

Daniel: Well... My backyard is red now...

Stephen: Is it the blood of your demons? Had you slain your insecurities and held your crown high?

Daniel: No, I'm pretty sure it's the sunset.

Daniel: Hey Stephen, I love y-

Stephen: *Screaming aggressively*

Hosuh: Stephen! He's trying to cobfess his feelings.

Daniel: Don't worry, this is the only way he knows how to express his feelings.

Stephen: *Still screaming*

Hosuh: ...Then I guess it's going well?

Daniel: I would do anything for you Housh

Hosuh: Tell me my hair is prettier than yours.

Daniel: Almost anything.

Hosuh: Are you okay?

Stephen: No, but there's nothing you can do.

Hosuh: Do you want a cookie?


Stephen: Yes , yes I do.

Stephen: Swear words are illegal now, if you say one you'll be fined.

Daniel: Fudge.

Stephen: You're on thin fucking ice.

Stephen: Oh wait-

Daniel: Okay Stephen, you're in charge while im away.

Stephen: Alright, I'm your man.

Daniel: Keep the Hosuh out of trouble.

Stephen: Okay, I'm kinda your man.

Daniel: And don't do anything stupid.

Stephen: You need another man.

Daniel: I heard you like bad boys?

Hosuh: Um... Yeah?

Daniel: Well, I'm bad at everything.

Hosuh: I'm cold.

Stephen: Here, have a hug.

Daniel: I'm cold too.

Stephen: Well damn Daniel, I can't control the weather!

And here you go!

I smacked in a tiny bit of ship, just because i have the power to.
Also did you watch the new video?
You probably did...

Anyways, hope you like this, I tried to update every once a week, but I had no timing at all, so now I'll just update when ever i feel like it.
So it'll probably be every 3-4 days.

Adios mi amigos!

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