Incorrect Quotes 44

753 51 49

Ann [With a taped up box]: Urgh, I need a knife.

Daniel: *Hands her a box cutter*

Stephen: *Shows off his knife collection*

Hosuh: *Handing her a pair of scissors*

Jay: *Pulls out a katana*

Ann: Thanks guys.

Hosuh: Hey Stephen, what do you want your last meal to be?

Stephen: Popcorn kernels.

Hosuh: Why??

Stephen: My cremation will be EPIC!

Stephen: What the fuck is wrong with you?

Daniel: Wow, you could start with a "good morning".

Stephen: Good morning. What the fuck is wrong with you?

Stephen: Introducing a new alightment- chaotic lawful.

Stephen: I have a strict moral code but nobody can figure out what the hell it is.

[Daniel and Stephen stuck in a closet]

Daniel: [tries to open the door]

Daniel: It's stuck. Well, guess we have to spend some quality time together.

Stephen: HELP!

Daniel: The moon is really beautiful out tonight.

Hosuh: Yeah..

Jay: Should we tell them it's just a tortilla thrown on the window?

Stephen: Ssh, this gives us a stress-free hour, tops.

Joe: I've been dropping them the most insanely obvious hints for like a year now. No response.

Hosuh: Wow. They sound stupid.

Joe: But they're not. They're really smart actually. Just dense.

Hosuh: Maybe you need to be more obvious? Like, I don't know... "Hey! I love you!"

Joe: I guess you're right. Hey Hosuh, I love you.

Hosuh: See! Just say that!

Joe: Holy fucking shit.

Hosuh: If that flies over their then, sorry Joe, but their too dumb for you.

Joe: Dude.

Daniel: Perhaps I will drink my sorrows away...

Daniel: *Opens Capri Sun*

Hosuh: You're scamming them?

Stephen: I was thinking more like flat-out stealing from them.

Joe: You okay?

Hosuh [Crying]: Yeah, it was just these onions.

Joe [To the onions]: What did you say to my bro?

Jay: If you divide 2020 by 5 you get 404, so basically this entire year is an error message. There is a glitch in the matrix. Welcome to my Ted Talk

Hosuh: Okay, I've called you all to this meeting because some of us don't seem to get along.

Stephen: Me and Daniel are literally the only ones you called here.

Hosuh: what are you guys gonna be for halloween

Jay: Sad

Joe: Gay

Stephen: Sexy

Daniel: Minecraft

Daniel: Uh oh...

Stephen: What?

Daniel: Somebody's in love!

Stephen: Please, Daniel, I just like Hosuh as a friend, alright? It's not as though I lay awake at night thinking about him.

Stephen [In bed that night, wide awake]: ...Uh oh

Stephen: Happy endings are never simple.

Hosuh: Yes they are. Like in Finding Nemo when they find Nemo.

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