Incorrect Quotes 25

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I just realised that people probably aren't reading these author notes so um...
If you do, you're cool!
Of course you're also cool is you don't, but then you'll never know because you didn't get to see me mention it.

Also happy birthday broccoli boi, I know I'm late but I mean.

Daniel: Who the hell calls tree skin bark? Like, alright calm down Mr. Scientist.

Hosuh: So then what do you call leaves?

Daniel: Tree hair.

Hosuh: Relax. Just act mature.

Daniel: Mature. Got it.

[Later on date]

Stephen: So what do you do for fun?

Daniel [In a deep serious voice]: Taxes.

Stephen: Fuck you.

Daniel [Whispering]: Please do.

Stephen: What?

Daniel: What.

Daniel: Oh, erm, I mean- you wish!

Stephen: Sure do.

Daniel: What?

Stephen: What?

Danuel: Does age matter?

Hosuh: Depends, why do you ask?

Daniel: I'm just checking to see if I can eat something from the Kids menu.

Stephen [Sees someone climbing a big ass tree]: Haha, he's gonna fall. Whan an idiot.


Stephen: *Realises it's Daniel*


Joe: Going to Plan B?

Daniel: Technically, this would be Plan G.

Jay: How many plans do we have? Is there, like, a Plan M?

Hosuh: Yeah, but Daniel dies in Plan M.

Stephen: I like Plan M.

Stephen: Are There any animals you hate?

Jay [Without missing a beat]: Children.

Website: Confirm your password.

Hosuh [Typing]: Yes this is my password.

Stephen: Has anyone ever told you that they love you?

Jay: Does family count?

Stephen: Yes.

Jay: Then no.

Stephen: Just yesterday, I lost a dear friend of mine.

Daniel: You locked me in the basement.

Stephen: Sometimes I can still hear his voice...




Jay: Draw 4.

Stephen [Throws uno cards]: fUCK YOU!

Daniel [Handing the Phone to Stephen]: It's your boyfriend.

Stephen: Jay is not my boyfriend!

Stephen [On the Phone]: Hey Babe.

Jay: Hold the fuck up.

Daniel: Excuse me?

Jay: I said hold the fuck up.

Jay: I'm the fuck up, hold me.

Stephen: Calling people 'Daddy' Is gross.

Daniel: Stop kink-shaming me!

Stephen: Kink-Shaming IS my kink!



Stephen: Hey Hosuh, did you know that 'Thot' actually means 'Thoughtful person'?

Hosuh: Really? I'll keep that in mind?


Hosuh: Thank you for helping me Daniel. You're such a thot!

Daniel [Wheezing]: i'M a WhAt?

This chapter got a bit wacky with the ship requests, but I think I managed to get them in here.

Big thanks to these wonderful souls Who helped me out!
And for singing 'Sincerely me' but that's a whole other story-

Adios mi amigos!


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