Incorrect Quotes 29

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Whoop, it's been a while huh?
Sorry for that, but here are some freshly baked Quotes for you.

Oh and also.
ThIS StoRY HiT 50K rEADs?
Like holy moly that's a lotta views.
Thank you Guys so much!

Stephen: I only feel one emotion and it's anger.

Jay: Last night you drunk texted me a load of hearts.

Stephen: Out of anger.

Daniel: That's the tea.

Daniel: *Sips coffee*

Hosuh: You are a disgrace.

Stephen: You know who's looking good tonight?

Jay: Who?

Stephen: Me.

Jay: What?

Stephen: What..?


Daniel: You did what?!

Stephen: I panicked!!

Daniel: Wow the stars sure are beautiful tonight.

Stephen: Yeah.

Daniel: You know who else is beautiful?

Stephen: Who?

Daniel: Hosuh.

Stephen: I know right?

Daniel: God I love how sexy i am.

Daniel: *Has a coughing fit*

Stephen: I brushed my teeth with toothpaste that's making everything taste far too effervescent.

Daniel: I am constantly googling words you say to find out what they mean.

Stephen: Teeth are the sharp things in your mouth, and toothpaste helps to keep them clean and strong.

Hosuh: Wow, it's such a beautiful day today, I love Mother nature.


Hosuh: Daniel is choking, I need to call 911 but the 9 button isn't working!

Joe: Turn it up side down and use the 6!

Hosuh: Genius!

Daniel [Stopping choking momentarely]: What the heck.

Hosuh: I wonder what Daniel is thinking about.

Daniel's thoughts: *Mii theme*


Daniel: I'm so hungry right now, I just want some crunchy soda.

Hosuh: Crunchy soda??

Daniel: S l u s h i e

Stephen: Hi everyone, and welcome to the "FUCK DANIEL" support club, where we console each other and plot to destroy Daniel forever in the most painful way possible.

Hosuh [sweating]: Uh, I think I may have misunderstood.........

Stephen: Hey Hosuh, how does this suit look?                           

Hosuh: Amazing! I wish I could pull that off.                                

Stephen: Go ahead.                  

Hosuh: What?     

Stephen: What?

Stephen: I don't love, love is for fools. I'm a stone cold, emotionless, a badass, I don't need no lover in my life-                              

Hosuh: *Giggles at something Dan said*

Stephen: Well fuck-

Daniel: I wanna sneeze but I can't.

Jay: I wanna die but I can't.


Daniel: I was being chase by Stephen, he looked as If he was about to kill me.

Jay: That was death, why did you run away?


Daniel: Oh shit ye-

And that's it for this time!

Again,thqnk you so much for 50k reads it really is a lot Jesus Faist.

And here are the credit to the fantastic human beings that helped me out:

Alright, see ya!

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