Incorrect Quotes 48

700 43 83

Stephen: Why do you keep leaping?!

Daniel: It's leap day!

Ann: We've been smackledorfed!

Stephen: That's not even a word, and I agree with you!

Hosuh: I know everything happens for a reason, but what the fuck?!

Daniel: What are the hardest things to say?

Stephen: I was wrong

Jay: I need help

Hosuh: Worcestershire sauce.

Daniel: I have this cool rock! Jay gave it to me!

Jay: I threw it at you.

Daniel: I hate drinking alone, because I become a bad influence to myself.

[At a school]

Teacher: Take a seat, you're late for class.

Daniel: No we-

Stephen: Sorry, he doesn't have a brain, he can't learn anything.

Hosuh: You didn't have a happy childhood?

Jay: My favorite toy was a knife. You finish the puzzle.

Jay: Sometimes, I don't realize an event was traumatic until I tell it as a funny story and notice everyone is staring at me weird.

Stephen: Name one mean thing I have ever done.

Daniel: You once convinced me eggs weren't real.

Daniel: I'm the one who got us into trouble, so I'm the one who gets us much, much deeper into this mess.

Stephen: I'm not interested in being polite or heterosexual.

Stephen: That's okay, I take criticism really well.

Daniel: No you don't...

Stephen: What's that supposed to mean?!

Hosuh: Just, you don't take criticism very well...



osuh: Okay, but does anyone have some directions?

Daniel: You don't need ny directions, you follow tht compass inside your heart.


Hosuh: No I think we need directions.

Hosuh: Yeah, maybe I don't get "a healthy amount of sleep," but can other people do this?

Hosuh: *Stands up and blacks out for a second*

Anyone else felt that last one?

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