Incorrect Quotes 34

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From tha last chapter, you probably knew that I will be ending this book at 50 chapters.

At first I was nervous to tell you, but all of you guys have been so supporting and understanding, it really means a lot!

So thank you for all the sweet messages, I couldn't have asked for better readers!

Now on with the chapter!

Joe: Date someone who will drag you outside at 3 AM to look at the stars.

Stephen: If anyone, and I men anyone, even Jesus Christ himself disturbs me from my sleep at 3 AM to go look at the stars, they will be removed indefinitely from my life.


Daniel : Text or call me when you're on your way.

Stephen: Potassium.

Daniel: Lol what? Autocorrect got you?

Stephen: Nope, on the peridoic table, the symbol for Potassium is K

Daniel: ...

Daniel: Frickin nerd.

Sign: Only gay people can read this?

Annabelle: What does it say? Dan can you read it?

Daniel: "Onl-" I-I mean no. No I can't.

Hosuh: I can read three quarters of it.

Stephen: It literally says "Only gay people can read this" are you guys idi- oh.

Hosuh: Day 772 without a boyfriend.

Hosuh: The sleep paralysis demon I see at the end of my bed is actually kind of cute.

Hosuh: Should I ask him out, or will he just reject me like everyone else?

Daniel: Are my ideas terrible?

Hosuh: Your ideas are great! They just have terrible results.

Hosuh: Okay! We've got a box. We're gonna put everything that we hate in the box.

Stephen: Can I put Daniel in the box?

Hosuh: No, you can't put Daniel in the box!

Jay: Can I put Daniel in the box?

Hosuh: No! No one can put Daniel in the box!

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