Things get discovered...

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Everyone was standing around Hera as she let the impact of her words sink in for the group."What is it?" Asked Jason as curiosity got the better of him.

"Have you ever heard the tale of Luke Castellan?" The younger werewolves all shook their heads, most of them didn't even know someone of that name existed. Zeus sighed, "Okay, it's a long story so I suggest you get settled." Strong arms wrapped tenderly around Jason as father and son embraced preparing for the tragic tale. "Well, Luke was May's firstborn pup. Oh, how she treasured him. He was the light of her life and for a couple of years the pup lived a normal life with his two parents as a part of this pack. Then it started to go downhill. May's mate died at the hands of vampires on a pack run. It drove her mad. She expected her boy to grow up quickly and live his life, she was terrified that if he didn't he would die before he got the chance to actually live. When he was just four she convinced herself that she needed to know his secondary gender in order to start his life early. Even back then it was a magic that was frowned upon. Finding out before a wolf is ready to present and actually bear the responsibilities that come with it? Dangerous, right? Either way - I banned that spell for all members of our pack because it eventually led to the poor pup's death. May went to a warlock, one by the name of Styx. She immediately found out that the pup was an omega."

"A male omega?!" gasped Hazel.

"A male sub is rare enough and omegas are increasingly hard to find let a lone somebody who is both!" Annabeth said worriedly, already guessing where the story was headed.

"Yes," Hera agreed as she took over the story-telling duties, "After that she didn't even keep it a secret, she was so happy that her boy was special that she was blind to the consequences of making it public. Soon word spread to other packs and that's when Kronos heard. He's the head Alpha of the Titan pack, a bunch of the most ruthless, bloodthirsty wolves imaginable. He's always been obsessed with warlocks and their immortality. Living forever; witnessing all of time; becoming the most powerful of all wolves, it was all he cared about. For years he experimented on them until somehow he managed to figure out a spell to steal a baby warlock's immortality. When he heard there was a male omega around he got interested. What better way to celebrate his victory and live forever than with the most rare and precious kind of wolf as his mate. The rest is pretty self-explanatory. His pack kidnapped Luke and took him to Kronos. For a while Kronos was satisfied but realised all too quickly that he had broken his little play doll. Luke had been young, only about five, nowhere near his real presenting age. He couldn't keep up with the harsh demands of his master so Kronos did what we all do when we have something we don't want, he threw out the trash. And it was quite literal, he threw Luke off the actual mountain, days later Zeus and I found the boy's body at the bottom of Mount Othrys. We were as close as the boundaries around their territory let us. When May found out she went insane. We were even considering banning her from pack runs until one day we came across a mother and her pup drifting in the river. The mother didn't make it but the orphaned pup was welcomed into our pack. Reluctantly we let May adopt him but luckily she seemed to heal with the chance at being a mother again. I guess having a family eased the pain of her loss, Percy isn't the last wolf she adopted too. I remember when there was a fire within the pack boundaries and a young pup named Leo was orphaned."

"With what happened to her first child I'm surprised she managed to escape depression." Nico whispered so quietly that only those nearest to him heard.

"What about the other two children we saw today?" asked Annabeth.

"Well, a couple of years ago, Hera, Sam, May and I ventured into the human world for some medical supplies. Whilst we were out we found two kids living in the streets. One of them we knew right away was a wolf but the other was slightly different. His back was covered in scars and he bore the mark of a warlock yet he didn't have that aura of immortality." Zeus answered.

"The immortality that Kronos stole." guessed Frank.

"Yes. Once May put two and two together she begged for us to take the children in. We could hardly refuse. Since then, May quit the higher status she had in the pack's inner circle in order to look after her children. They mean everything to her, which is-"

"Which is why she's so protective." Concluded Jason who had been quite quiet during the story. No wonder she freaked out when she found us on the steps. She's worried about losing another child.

"Exactly." Jason thought back to how quickly Percy had slammed the door and bolted. If this is how his mum feels, what kind of opinion does he have of Pack Alphas. Or just alphas and doms in general? "So what, does this mean I just have to give up the idea of a mate?" Asked Jason as he threw his arms in the air in defeat. Hera chuckled, "Of course not sweetie, you just have to be a bit more delicate. Have you ever heard of courting?"

"Isn't that a really old way of basically convincing someone to date you? I'm pretty sure it involves lots of gifts and presents."

"Yes, you are the Pack Alpha. What better first task to prove yourself with than by winning over your mate!"

"Mum, this isn't some cheesy love story."

"She knows Jay," piped in Hazel, "I'm just looking forward to watching you scramble around all lovey-dovey!"

"Me too, it'll be nice to see tough Jason on his hands and knees." added Reyna.

"Awww, it's going to be so romantic!" squealed Piper. Great. Now I have to play Prince Charming on my quest to make my one true mate fall in love with me. How cliche. Even after thinking that there was a small part of Jason that was looking forward to his task. His mate did have quite the looks after all, definitely beautiful enough to fit in with the Disney princesses. Jason had many desirable qualities;he was smart, organised, structured. Besides, subs are obedient, willing and docile. How hard can taming this angel possibly be?


A/N - I tried my best to explain what is going on but I can understand if you might be a bit confused. If you are just leave a question in the comments. School starts tomorrow so updates will become once a week but I have all the chapters done in draft except for the last one so it will be a regular flow of updates. Peace x

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