Things get bloody...

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A/N - Long time, no update... Sorry about that. I had no idea how I wanted to close this story so I kind of put it off by using this chapter as a filler and ending it with a cliffhanger.

I want to say thank you to culustie_Poseidon073 for recently following me, DSCN124 for giving me such lovely and encouraging comments and last but certainly not least, daughter_of_olympus for voting, commenting and always appearing on my notification feed! (I chose these profiles to mention a while ago so those of you who've only recently voted/commented/followed might appear on the next update.)


The high-pitched whistling sound brought Jason back to his senses. Somehow he had managed to make his way to the fight occurring outside even in his dazed state. Angry growls filled the area as the Olympian wolves engaged in combat. Jason didn't know whether any of his friends had made it outside yet - he himself had no idea just how he'd escaped Nakamura's little attack. He used his claws to backhand a wolf that was gaining just a bit too much on his friends Dakota and Michael. They gave him a quick acknowledging smile but turned back around to get rid of a fae archer who had already caused too much damage. Jason used his short moment of peace to survey the battle grounds. His pack were trained to fight but the Olympians were used to more peaceful methods in order to solve their quarrels; they hardly ever turned to brute force. The Titans were slowly but surely winning. "Hey! That's where they're taking Percy!" shouted Rachel as she raced out of one building and set her course for another, "The armory! They're taking Percy to the armory! I bet Kronos is hiding in there too!"

"Ye-eah." grunted Jason in agreement but the breath was knocked out of him halfway through as he was kicked in the gut by a bloody vampire. All he wanted to do was to race right into the armory to find his omega and kick some ass. He couldn't do it, he couldn't abandon his friends who were already struggling with the fight outside. "I've got to stay here! Take Rey-"

"Jason!" Piper yelled as she raced towards him,"I've just got word that Kronos is holding hostages in the armory. He's planning to use them as leverage and make us fall back. And once he finds a way to fully mate Percy, there will be no way we could launch another attack."

"Who did he take?" Jason asked worried although he knew it didn't really matter. The life of one wolf in this pack is worth just as much as another. It doesn't matter who is in there - I can't be selfish enough to let them die, Percy would never forgive me.

"He has Annabeth, Hazel and Nico."

"That cold-hearted bas-"


Annabeth looked around desperately, there was nothing she could use to aid her escape. They'd walked right into a trap. Annabeth could only pray that the others were having better luck than her. From the sound of things, the battle was still raging outside and most Olympians seemed to be holding their own. She knew it wouldn't last. They had seen the armory and decided to investigate but were immediately left to face with the Titan pack leader himself. Annabeth spat at the alpha as he ordered his guards to retreat and instead use Nico, Hazel and herself as hostages. Annabeth hated to admit it but Kronos was smart enough to know that the Olympian pack would surrender in order to save lives, it didn't matter how few. Nico struggled violently against the arms of his captor. "It's no use, you Olympians are all incredibly weak." sniggered the silver-haired werewolf who held him tightly.

"Now, now Iapetus. We must remember our manners." boomed the voice of the obnoxious alpha Kronos.

"Manners?! Manners?!" Annabeth screeched, "You have some nerve talking about manners! Kidnapping omegas, using warlocks as ingredients, abusing members of your own pack! I can't even begin to imagine all the other unthinkable things you've done. You-"

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