Things get deadly...

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A/N - I usually don't update this quickly but I wanted to update now and with a longer chapter to say thank you to anyone who has decided to follow me or has voted/commented. I write for myself and the readers but this chapter is dedicated to you.

Just a quick note that this chapter may be triggering for some and depressing. (Or not cause I have no idea whether or not I actually managed to convey any emotion) Just saying...


Last time

Jason stood at the wreckage of the bakery with a grim look adorning his face. "You know what this means," warned Reyna who was stood beside him, "You know what this could lead to."


"And you're still willing to try?" Asked Annabeth.

"I'm not saying you have to come with me." He answered back as he turned to look each of his friends in the eye. The whole pack was gathered in the square waiting in silence for their Alpha to make the call.

"And we're not letting you go alone." Retorted Nico.

"Son, we're here with you. I should've cleared up this mess when the problem first started instead of just letting it go. Hell will freeze over before I make the same mistake again." If they weren't surrounded by the whole pack Jason might've gotten emotional.

"Thanks dad."

"So we're really going to do this?" Asked Will.

"You're not going anywhere whilst you're with pups mister!" Scolded May

"Yes Miss Castellan."

Nico grinned, "Don't worry babe, I'll make sure to kick their asses for you."

"So, when are we leaving?" Piper questioned.



***Before the meet in the square***

Despite the amount of problems that had caused the birthing to be at risk, Silena had still successfully managed to deliver her three pups with the help of her midwife Kayla. Jason along with a selection of his friends were waiting outside of the room although none of them really knew why they were there. Charlie and Silena had many friends in the pack but if only a handful of them knew about Charlie's confirmed death then even fewer knew of Silena's early labour. Apart from Will and Nico, who were often sighted in the infirmary, there was Jason, Annabeth and Frank all of whom were waiting impatiently to be allowed into the delivery suite. After the first few moments of them discovering the fire Leo had run away and both Piper and Hazel had agreed that following him to see if he was alright would be the best thing to do - especially as they both had the knowledge of how his past experiences would lead him into a wave of depression. "Can't we just go in there already!" exclaimed Annabeth for what had to be the dozenth time in the last five minutes. "You know that I'm going to tell you exactly the same thing as every other time, right Anna?" moaned Will.

"Yes," stated Annabeth bluntly, "As a matter of fact, I do. Silena wishes for no visitors at this point in time. Please be patient whilst waiting." She changed her voice as best she could to mimic Will's to which the other boy just huffed.

"True, we do know that, but why won't she let anyone see her?" Asked Frank misjudging the tension between the others as pure frustration. Meanwhile Jason had been silent the whole time. He felt like a failure. He's been pack Alpha barely a week and already there's a death on his hands...maybe even two. Any thought that Percy was also gone led Jason down a path he knew would break him. He might know that Percy is his one true mate, but they never got to seal the bond, he never knew what it was actually like to share their love, happiness and any other emotion that came their way. Maybe now they never will... All that's left is pain, no room for hope. And yet - Something doesn't quite add up. If Percy was truly g-gone then we would've found him with Charles's...body...right? But we didn't so where is he? If the fire didn't kill him then why hasn't he turned up yet? Unless...someone has stopped him from doing so. Maybe the fire was just a distraction to take Percy? But why would someone do that? Who would do that? Maybe, mayb- "SILENA CALM DOWN!" Kayla shouted abruptly, clearly loudly enough to be heard from the waiting area.

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