Things get ugly...

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A/N - I hope you lot are having a nice day and have found some good Wattpad stories to read.

Thank you to xellecarrrx for recently voting on this story and following me as well as supahneenjah for voting for this story right from the start (also because you've written a Kronercy story and they're really hard to come by).


Percy can't quite remember how long ago it had been since the first sound of commotion started. He didn't even know what exactly was going on despite his gut instinct that his mate, Jason, had something to do with it. Rachel and Percy had been moved as soon as the intrusion had begun and now they were in what was a magnificent yet seemingly unused bedroom ; unfortunately Percy's hands were still bound tightly but at least he now had the freedom to walk around. "Do hear that?" Percy asked Rachel tentatively as he watched her pace the room.

"Hear what?!" she spat annoyed. Of course she would be annoyed. She's been here seven whole years without so much as a whisper of a rescue party and now she must bear witness to the havoc solely created in order to save me. "That sound, that's the sound of hope." answered Percy well-aware of how cliche his words were, it didn't matter as long as they were true. "Yeah, hope for you." Rachel snorted.

"And you!" Percy added quickly, "You don't honestly believe that I would let them leave you here, did you?" Rachel looked surprised as she slowly inched closer to the blocked window barely even noting her own movements. "Why would you worry about me? We barely even know each other! You don't owe me anything."

"Maybe I don't, but it's still the right thing to do. I'd like to think you would do the same for me if our positions were switched. To be honest I'd kinda hoped that any decent being would just take a leap of faith in order to help somebody else."

"Well," Rachel laughed darkly, "You clearly haven't opened your eyes to see the true cruelty of others."

"Just because the kindness is hidden doesn't mean it's not there."

"Seven years! Seven, Percy! There is no kindness in someone who kidnaps an innocent girl only to be used as an ingredient to inflict pain on yet another innocent person! Where the hell is the kindness in that!" Rachel demanded as her face contorted in pain.

"The kindness can still be foun-"

"You must have the wrong definition," interrupted Rachel, "Last time I checked 'kindness' wasn't the word that meant evil, heartless or torment." Each word Rachel spat out must've felt like another stab to the chest with the way she swung violently after each syllable. Just as Percy thought that she might collapse, Rachel crumpled to the floor until her body lay in a heap. Huge sobs filled the room as Percy realised that his warlock 'friend' was crying. Suddenly feeling like he didn't know what to do, Percy cautiously crept towards the red-haired girl not quite sure whether his presence would upset Rachel even further. He didn't get much time to decide - the whole wall with the barred window exploded and bricks flew everywhere. Percy flung his body over Rachel's in the hope that he could shield her from at least some of the falling debris. "Leo!" screamed a panicked female voice. Percy could just be imagining things.'Piper!' His brain screamed.

"Sorry!" replied another voice, "I swear it wasn't supposed to be this big! I even labeled it!"

"Oh yeah?" That female voice replied - it's got to be Piper, "And what did the label say?"

"Uhm," Leo answered in what definitely sounded like a bashful tone, "Do you really want an answe-wait! Percy?!" A full minute after the initial explosion, Piper and Leo noticed Percy piled underneath an array of broken building. "Ohmygods!" exclaimed Piper terrified for her friend.

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