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Forks, Washington. Such a beautiful dark and always rainy little town. Where nothing interesting happens and quite honestly it makes every child even more desperate to leave.

"Did you hear? Kai Parker is coming back!" Angela squeals as she sat down at the lunch table. Jessica immediately jumping on board and talking about the boy. Later the boys join the conversation just as excited.

Bella Swan looks at the girl confused, being new here she didn't really know many people yet. But Kai Parker was completely new since no one seemed to mention him before today.

"Wh-who is that?" Bella asked as the rest of the table look to the Arizona native.

"Kai Parker used to go to school here but two years ago he left for "personal reasons" and we never heard from him since." Jessica spoke as she looked excited at the recent news.

"Yeah he's a cool dude, you'll like him but... beware." Mike spoke as he leaned forward. Setting off a creepy aura across the table as the rest of her friends became silent and leaned forward as well. A slight fear tinged in Bella but also curiosity as she looked at the blonde boy.

"He may seem happy and go lucky but don't be deceived because rumors say that he murdered four of his family members when he was only 16. " Eric spoke lowly, Bella's eyes widen in fear before the group leaned back laughing.

"Relax Bella, he didn't actually do it. Well, four his family members were murdered a couple years ago but Kai's dad did it not him." Angela reassured the scared girl. Relaxing slightly but still slightly scared she forced a chuckle and a small smile.

The group then went into details about the story of Kai and the Parker family massacre. Kai was originally accused by their father for murdering his own siblings but in the end Kai was proven innocent and his father turned out to be the killer. Kai and his family then moved from Forks and no one heard from them since.

"Kai is technically older than anyone at this table. He's probably like what? 19 now?" Ben asked as he looked around the table. The table agreeing with the boy.

"Shouldn't he already have graduated then?" Bella asked, normally the age of graduates are 17 or 18.

"Should've been but he got held back sophomore year and when the murders happened and Kai was suspected as the killer he wasn't allowed to attend school. So he missed the school year and now he's the same grade as us." Eric explained as he ate his lunch. Bella nods slowly still not comfortable with apparent murder that happened here before. She shuddered at the thought.

"Ca-can we stop talking about the murder? Please?" She begged as the others noticed she was uncomfortable. They nod as they move onto a new topic.

Bella looked around the cafeteria wondering if they heard about this Kai Parker. Her eyes land on the Cullen's who sat together and was discussing something. Edward wasn't with them since he left three days ago. Bella wanted to know why the boy was avoiding her, was she that awful?

She sighs as she looked at her lunch which she hasn't touched since she was told the story of the family massacre.

She pushed her tray away as she pictured the possible gory details of the scene. Her dad was most likely the one who lead the investigation. She might have to ask about the boy when she got home.

She hate to admit it but she was curious about the massacre and Kai Parker himself.

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