Hair & Reading

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I'm terrible at creating titles as you can tell.


Logan didn't really think about how he got into this.

One moment, he was just reading on the floor cross-legged for a change instead of the couch. The next, Patton comes up behind him, sits down, and plays with Logan's hair.

"Patton, dear, what are you doing?" Logan asked, not looking away from his book.

"Playing with your hair." He answered.

"Well I know that, but why are you playing with my hair?"

"Because I'm bored. I have nothing to do. My kiddo is out on a date with his prince."

Patton stopped playing with Logan's hair and hugged him from behind. Logan found his warmth comforting and relaxed in his embrace.


"Yes, love?"

"...Can we go to your room?" He asked quietly.


"I just want to cuddle with you... and play with your soft hair."

Logan chuckled. "Of course, love."

(Very short, I know. Requests open!)

172 words

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