Alcoholic Pt. 2

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Warnings: Alcohol use

Then Patton heard the door to the room open. Patton panicked and put the bottle back. He walked out of the closet and saw Logan.

"Logan...!" Patton said. Logan looked at him and then the bottles in the open closet.

"What... are you doing here?" Logan asked, harshly.

"Um... I was just worried about you..." Patton said.

"And you completely ignored the 'Keep Out' sign?"

He was right. There was a 'Keep Out' sign. Virgil, Roman, and Deceit were by the door.

"Why didn't you tell me you were an alcoholic?" Patton asked, ignoring the last question. The question caught the others attention.

"It was supposed to be a secret..." Logan said and glared at Spirit, who was looking down.

"Don't blame her! She was only worried about you."

"If you guys were really worried, you would've come here sooner. And then I would tell you that 'I'm fine'.

"But, Lo, you aren't 'fine'. You've been using alcohol as an escape route to get away from your problems!"

"Like you guys are actually worried about me..." Logan muttered.

"Logan!" Patton yelled, making the other's eyes widen. "I care about you more than anyone! Why do you think I would go out of my way to find out what has me worried?"

Logan was silent. Patton sighed and walked past him, brushing their shoulders gently.

"Let's go guys..." Patton muttered to the others. They nodded and walked out of the room. Patton closed the door, leaving Logan to think.

Logan looked at the bottles in the closet. He sighed and closed the closet door. He looked at Spirit, who was looking up at him with sad eyes.

"It's okay, Spirit. They were bound to find out eventually..." Logan said and sat down at his desk.

As he started working, Spirit kept looking at the door to the closet.

Did I mention there'll be a part 3?? This is just too good to stop now...

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