Flowers Every Year Pt. 1

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Logan sighed as he lit the single candle on the cupcake.

"Happy Birthday, Anthony," Logan said.

Anthony was Logan's brother and best friend. He was the Reasoning side. The smartest side. Smarter than Logan. He sadly died when Logan was 15. It's been a long time, but Logan felt like it was yesterday when he died.

He never got to say goodbye.

Every year, he lit a single candle on a cupcake to celebrate his brother's birthday. It was nothing too big, but Anthony wasn't one for 'big birthdays'.

Logan got up from his chair and walked out of his room. He headed towards his secret observatory. Where he usually looked at the stars.

He looked around and put in a secret pin. The door opened and he walked up the stairs, the door closing behind him.


Patton was wrapping a bouquet of flowers in a dark blue bow. He tied it and set it on his desk. It looked perfect.

'Now to give it to Logan.' Patton thought. He grabbed the bouquet and walked out of his room and towards Logan's.


Logan forgot something and went back to his room. Before he did though, he saw Patton next to his door. Logan hid behind a corner.

Patton looked around and slowly placed something on the ground. It was a bouquet of flowers.

'So that's where they keep coming from.' Logan thought. He had been getting flowers every year on this particular day. He wanted to know the reason why.

Patton knocked on the door and skipped away.

Logan walked to his door and saw the bouquet. He picked it up and walked into his room. He put the flowers next to the cupcake. The cupcake was still lit, so Logan blew the candle out and picked the candle out of it. He threw it away.

He decided to confront Patton about the flowers, so he got up and walked out the door again.

Part 2?

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