Walking Buddies

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(Daniel x female reader)

As the short girl walked the corridors with her head hung low, she could feel the stares of the other students.

Not looking where she was going, she bumped into a chest and looked up in surprise.

"Watch it." The girl sneered at her and roughly pushed her into a wall, before walking away.

The (h/c) haired girl watched her turn a corner and was out of sight, before separating herself from the wall.

She walked more carefully, as not to walk into someone again, and made her way to her classroom. She took a deep breath and walked in, her eyes never leaving the floor.

As she took her seat, the door was slide open and she looked up to see her teacher walk in.

"Silence. We have a new student, come in." He gestured to the door and the class fell silent.

Soft steps were heard, and in cane a tall boy with the face of an angel. Most of the girls and some of the boys looked at him in awe.

"H-hi.. I'm Daniel Park.." He waved awkwardly. He stood there for a little bit, not making direct eye contact with the class.


The teacher had to do teacher things, and Daniel was being chatted up by Zoe.

(Y/n) could only sigh in relief, that her female classmates were too preoccupied with the cute, new boy to acknowledge her existence.

"Piss off Zoe!" Zack has gotten annoyed with her fake cuteness and yelled.

(Y/n) sighed again and tuned the world out, unbeknownst to her a certain someone kept taking quick glances at her.


It was lunch, her least favourite part of the day, as it meant having to either sit alone and drown in the loneliness and sadness of it. Or, having to sit with a group of girls who would ridicule her the whole time, making fun of every little thing she did, making her feel more and more useless with ever comment.

Today, she had hoped to sit by herself. Unluckily, the new transfer had sat across from her, earning her the daggers being glared at her by many envious girls.

She looked up in surprise, normally the guys would just ignore her! And then, Zoe took the seat beside him, confusing her even more as Zoe would "rather die than have to sit with someone as disgusting as her", as she put it.

"Hey. You're in my class, right?" Daniel smiled at her. Even more confusing.

"Y-yes.." (Y/n) stuttered and started to play with her food as a distraction.

"Can you show me around later? Zoe lives in the other direction than me.." He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

(Y/n)'s cheeks were dusted pink as she took in Daniel Park and all his adorably cute awkwardness.

"Sure..." She starred at him as he seemed very pleased with this answer.


"Hey, I never got your name.." Daniel announced after they had been walking for a short while.

"Ah.. Sorry, (y/n) (l/n).." She gave a small smile that only lasted a few seconds. However, Daniels eyes caught it and the edges of his cheeks were tainted a pale pink.

"Y..you should smile more.." Daniel hesitated after a another short bit of walking.

"W-wha..?" (Y/n) looked up at him, bewildered. Not a lot of people had told her that her smile was pretty, and yet here was practically a stranger saying she should do it more.

"..Ok.." She looked down to the ground beneath them and couldn't stop herself from smiling.

And thus came a great friendship, or perhaps more?

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