This Roller Coaster (all over again and again and again)

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Tobias P.O.V. 

What. "Tris. What did you just say?"

"Who's Tris? My name is Beatrice. And I asked if you were the doctor," she says, a little irritated. "Your Tris. Wait, how old do you think you are?"

"I'm 16, my choosing ceremony is coming up. Where am I?"

"Tri- Beatrice you are 32. You chose Dauntless. You are in the hospital. You just recently woke up from a 16 year old coma." she gasps. Then looks at me confused, "Who are you."

"I'm your boyfriend."

It is at that moment Dauntless walks in, and before I can stop her, she says "Hey mom. How are you feeling."

Tris looks at me, "Who is she." Daun looks a little hurt. So instead of answering Tris's question, I turn to her, "Please leave, I'll explain later."

She answers with a quiet, "Okay."

When Daun is out of the room I answer Tris. "That is you daughter."Tris looks green, "DAUGHTER! WE ARN'T EVEN MARRIED! What is going on?" she yells. "I want to see my parents."

Oh, shit. I didn't think about that. One thing I was grateful for when they died, was I didn't have to tell her. I know that makes me sound like a bad person, but I just don't know I could've done it. Well, I don't think that matters now. "Um- I don't know how to say this, but your parents, they're - uh- dead. "What?" she cries. "How, what is happening." 

"There was a war. Erudite attacked Abnegation. This was after you chose Dauntless, so you weren't there. But Erudite also paid off the Dauntless leaders, Dauntless was put under a mind simulation. But a few people weren't affected. You were one, as was I. We, or more so, you are Divergent. Lots of things happened after that. But the point is, your parents died in the attack."

I know that's not the whole story, but it's a softer blow than, you watched both your mom and dad get shot, trying to get to me. I know she doesn't, or didn't blame me, but I blame myself. She was trying to stop the simulation, but it never would have happened if I had been stronger, and fought the simulation. But I was weak, and a lot of people died because of me. 

I look at Tris as she sobs hysterically on the bed. "Why them, they never did anything. They were the most selfless people I knew." She sits up and sniffles, "Where is my brother?" Ugh, Caleb. I forgot about him. I don't want to have to deal with him, but I don't really want to tell her about her brother's betrayal. And if he will make her happy, I will call him. So I leave the room and take out my cellphone. And dial the traitors number.

He picks up, but sounds a little timid. Which is probably my fault, I haven't exactly been warm and welcoming these pat 16 years. "Hello."

"Caleb it's Four. There's no time to explain, but I need you to come to the hospital. It's your sister."

"Wait, what's going o-."

I end the call before he has a chance to finish. Now I have to explain everything to a very mad and hurt looking Dauntless. This will not be easy.

I walk over to her, "Daun we need to talk."

"Dad, what's going on."

"Not good things. Your mom- she uh lost her memory." Daun then starts crying. So I grab her into a tight hug, "I know, I know. It hurts" I make her look at me. "But your mom is strong, and she's going to get through this. Just like when everyone thought she wasn't going to make it, but she did. So we aren't going to give up on her. Understand?" She nods, and puts her head back on my chest, and starts crying. I almost want t join her. I just need to listen to myself. 

Tris is strong, and she will get through this. WE will get through this. We just get to ride on this roller coaster again (and again and again.)

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