Confusion for days (and weeks, and months, and years, and so on...)

142 4 12

Tris P.O.V.

My parents are dead. How could this happen? They were so selfless. They didn't deserve to die. But neither did the other Abnegation. Gosh, I am so selfish.

No wonder that man said I chose Dauntless, I'm too selfish for Abnegation. But why would I pick Dauntless? I'm not brave. 


Thirty- two years old. But yesterday I went to bed only 16. I have to worry about school, and helping other people. Not taking care of kids with a man I'm not married to. How could I let this happen? Well it doesn't matter anyway. If I woke up form a 16 year old coma, my daughter can only be about 16 herself. I certainly didn't get pregnant in Abnegation, so it must have happened after I transferred to Dauntless. 

My point, she doesn't know me. Really know me. So it would be easier if I go back to Abnegation. What was the girls name, Dawn? Well she can go back to her normal life, that very handsome man can find someone a lot better than me.

I've always known I'm plain. Simple and not elegant dirty blonde hair. A too- long nose Boring blue- gray eyes. A true 'stiff' body, no curves like the other girls I see in school. I don't know why a man like that would be interested in me. Full, square lower lip. A hooked nose that works well on him. Captivating dark blue eyes that you could drown in.

Dauntless- me must have been very naïve. 

I will not ruin their lives. So I will return to Abnegation, and quietly return to my cage. Let them live their lives and not try to spend the rest of it trying to catch me up. When the actual doctor comes in, I ask him if there is a slight possibility that I will recover my memory. When he answer's yes, I scares me. 

"Is there anything you can give me that will hep me recover them faster?" I question.

"No, there is no medicine I can give you, but this is likely stress related memory loss. When you are relived of some of that stress, little at a time, the memories will come back to you. Most often, it happens in flashbacks. But all-in-all you are expected to make a complete recovery."


This does not change my plans. Beside, Abnegation will relive my of my 'stress'. So would Amity, but I want to go home. The man said he was calling Caleb, so I will wait here for him, then go back to Abnegation with him. Go back to the familiar. This is like waking through uncharted jungle. I'm lost and only I can get myself out. And the only place I have ever been myself is in Abnegation. Yes,

It's time to go home. 

(a/n) Hey guys, it's been awhile since I've updated, and I'm sorry about that (also sorry about the super short chapter). I hope y'all had a great Easter, and thank you to those who have commented, voted, and read my other stories. I hope you enjoyed.

Be Brave


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