My Other Half

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Tobias/ Four P.O.V.

"Beatrice Prior needs to talk to you"  I  need to talk to her. I have a lot to say.  But I can't talk to her. 

Beatrice Prior is dead.

As much as I wish she wasn't, I've come to terms with it. I'm not saying it's not hard. It is, but I've accepted it. The love of my life is never coming back. Yet Daun's words echo through my head. I feel bad about snapping at her, but... it's hard. You try talking to your daughter about the mom she's never going to be able to meet. The great person she is so much alike. And she is. She looks like me, except for eyes and her hair. But she acts so much like Tris. She's smart, brave, and selfless. And stubborn. Oh God. The one thing I kind of wish she didn't get.

I named her Dauntless because Tris never believed she was. She didn't believe she was brave. She didn't think she was selfless. She didn't see how smart she was. So I named her child Dauntless. Because the bravest thing she did was also the most selfless. And if it weren't for David, it also would have been the smartest. If it weren't for David, no one would have died. And Dauntless came from all of that. She's Dauntless beliEVE. I want Tris to know how Dauntless she really was, wherever she is.

As I'm walking to clear  my head, I see Zeke and Shauna near our spot on the chasm. I decide to join them. I need a distraction. 

After this morning, I forgot that yesterday was her anniversary. Not that Zeke needs it an excuse to drink. He once said, "It's a Monday. We need to party." But this time I actually want one. As I walk up Zeke see's me and stops talking. Odd. But whatever, it's Zeke.

"Hey, how are you doing?" he asks.

"Like I've been for the last 16 years. Raising a mini version of her, and trying not to kill Caleb."

"Oh, Well you always want to kill someone. So your fine," then he gets serious, "Seriously though, how are doing?"

I shrug. "Okay, I guess. I just wish it happened differently. If she had to die, I wish it wasn't me leaving, expecting her to still be alive when I came back. And poof, she's dead."

"Yeah, I know I didn't know her that well, but I know how happy she makes you. And I know that's not easy. So she's pretty special."

"Good thing or bad?"

"Good, I think. I don't know? Is you being happy a bad thing?"

"Probably bad. The last time I was happy, everyone died."

Shauna breaks in, "Okay enough heavy talk. Who wants to hear embarrassing baby stories of Stiles without him here to tell us to stop?" "That's okay. I think I'll go back to the apartment. I need to talk Daun about some things. Bye."

"Wait! Um, I'm pregnant!"

"What," Zeke shouts, "You are?"

"Yes, I am," she practically growls

"And Four, I was wondering if you want to be the godfather?"

"Umm I think you guys have some things to talk about." With that I walk away and head back to the apartment.

Shauna P.O.V.


"Shit, no Zeke I was trying to get him to stay. Like we promised Christina, so he could see Tris!"

"Oh yeah, whoops."

"Shit," I repeat, "What are we going to do now?"

"We could invite him and Daun to dinner," he says uncertainly.

I perk up and jump on him,  "Who are you, and what have you done with my husband," I question. "Babe I'm right here."

"I know, you just came up with something smart for once." He put his hands on his heart, trying to act offended.

"One time, one time, I come up with one bad idea, and you never let me live it down. Tell me one bad I've had idea. Not including trying to eat cereal with butter knives," he demands.

"Okay, ziplining without harnesses, making Four mad, naming our kid, Dauntless cake-"

"Okay stop, I get it," he walks away, "Just so you know Dauntless cake would have been a great name. I'm just cool that way.

"I know, that's why I love you," I kiss him. "Okay, how are we going to get them over?"

(a/n)  PLEASE READ I hope you guys like the new chapter. But I was thinking last night has noticed Natalie, Andrew, Marcus, and Evelyn spell NAME. I don't know it was just weird.

QOTD: Would you rather have Dauntless cake or Amity bread?


Be Brave


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