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~In which the Jungkook and Nana celebrate~

Everyone was ignoring them. Jungkook and Nana watched on with growing disappointment at the older members who seemed to avoid them at all costs. Usually, they were messing around and having fun, but it looked like they were alone today. They sighed and went to go play some video games in the living room.

"JK, Nana!" Called Jin. "You two need to go and work on some promotional activities. You don't have time to be playing those games right now. Oh, also, you need to practice. Hoseok said he noticed some of your moves were a little off yesterday, and he's going to talk to you about it."

Jungkook and Nana shared a look as they groaned, rising to their feet and trudging down to the practice room, where they were sure to meet a serious Hoseok. As much as they loved him, he was a tough teacher, and they knew they were going to be in trouble for something.

As dancers, they had felt that, while not perfect (no performance ever is), their practice went fairly smoothly yesterday. Guess they were wrong.



The two greeted their sunshine warmly, trying to get on his good side before practice. He returned a curt nod and motioned for them to get going. Nana shook her head slightly as she padded over to her spot.

This dance was a group one, incorporating each member as usual. However, this time, Jungkook and Nana were in the spotlight, as they had to represent the idea of yin and yang. This fit into the concept of their theme, as it highlighted the balance of the human soul, as well as the eternal struggle of life; good versus evil. He represented the light and she the darkness; each struggling to escape from the other but drawn together by the little bit of each they had inside of them. 

Their dance was ethereal but complicated, and they were constantly working to perfect it so that they wouldn't let down their members or their fans. It was a little more dangerous and risky than their other choreographies, but with their skill set, they were able to execute it without too many accidents. 

"Stop!" Hoseok exclaimed. Pointing to Jungkook, he instructed, "you need to move faster to get over here where she's waiting," moving to gesture at Nana, he spoke, "and you need to tighten up your footwork and loosen up your arms."

Nodding their heads in acceptance of his critique, they began again. And again. And again. Every time, he would find some mistake and they would have to retry their dance. It was enough to make them go insane. Finally, after what seemed like forever, the grueling work came to an end, leaving the two youngest sweating and panting on the floor and Hoseok dismissing them with a short "good work today". 

Refusing to get up, Nana spread herself out on the dance floor and joked (but not really), "I think I'm dying. Does Hobi hate us or what?"

In a similar state, Jungkook, who was laying the opposite direction but with his head positioned so that it was right next to hers, responded, "that's what my body is saying right now." The two just lay in silence for a few seconds until they looked at each other and burst into loud, unrestrained laughter. 

"Ow, this hurts so bad!" Kook shouted, still unable to control himself.

"Stop looking at me!" Yelled Nana, clutching her in-pain abdomen. The two rolled to opposite sides of the room and finally calmed down, but just one brief look at each other sent the two into peals of laughter again.

"Are you guys ok?" Namjoon popped his head into the room, only to find his two children and the pig-like sounds they were making. Shaking his head, he remarked, "actually, forget I asked."

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