Part 29: Family Talk 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧

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Sean drops off Dorothy at her home.
Sean: K goodbye. Love you
Dorothy: Bye

She walks into her house ,exhausted.
Angela: How was classes?
Dorothy: Trash
Angela: Why
Dorothy: It just is
Angela : I bought Buffalo Wings for you

 Angela: How was classes?Dorothy: TrashAngela: WhyDorothy: It just isAngela : I bought Buffalo Wings for you

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Dorothy: Thanks Ill eat them later

Her dad sits on the sofa and stares at her.
Don: Who brought you here? The man?
Dorothy : Don't ask. Not in the mood.

Dorothy goes into her room and lays on her bed. She falls asleep and wakes up 2 hours later.
Her sister, Samantha knocks on her door and asks " Hey,can I borrow your perfume"
Dorothy: Ugh whatever . Just take it
Samantha : ok thanks

She walks out and eats the buffalo wings At the dining table. Her father takes a seat at the dining table ..she immediately takes her buffalo wings and goes into her room.

Angela knocks on Dorothy's door and says " Your aunts, Pooja and Varli are coming".
Dorothy: Oh my god. Why?
Angela: They're  family , be more nice
Dorothy: I hate them

2 hours later
Dorothy's aunt and cousin came.
Angela tells Dorothy " Dorothy, Aunt Varli and Pooja are here".
Dorothy: k.

Dorothy comes out to greet her aunt and cousin
Aunt Varli: Oh my god..'re all grown up
Dorothy : Hehe
Pooja: Omg Hi Dorothy
Dorothy : Hi...Aunt Pooja

Angela: Come, let's all have dinner together
All of the family members sit at the dining table .
Aunt Varli : So , Dorothy. Are you dating anyone. Have you found a boyfriend
Dorothy: Well.uh...
Don stares at Dorothy .
Dorothy: I guess
Varli: Ah wow. With your beauty, I'm sure you weren't single.
Aunt Varli: So. Is he a student at your college .
Dorothy: Actually...uh
Dorothy: YEAH. He's my classmate.

Dorothy lied to her aunts

Aunt Varli: Oh very nice. Very nice.
"Ugh this is why I hate aunties coming over" Dorothy thinks to herself.

Aunt Pooja: Tell us more about your boyfriend
Dorothy: UH. Well..uh
Aunt Varli: Ok Pooja, don't ask such personal questions
Aunt Varli: So how's college, Dorothy

Dorothy thinks to herself " OMG can they stop asking me questions "

Dorothy : Great I guess.
Don: I think my daughter needs to focus on studies first
Angela: Don!
Aunt Pooja: I think I agree
Aunt Varli: Well, she deserves to live her life. Stop restraining her.
Aunt Pooja: No Varli. Dorothy shouldn't be dating . This is for her future
Aunt Varli: Well it isn't your business, Pooja. It isn't our business

Dorothy looks at everyone with an annoyed look.

Dorothy: I'm gonna go to my room
Don: no! Stay here , young lady. Respect your elders
Dorothy: Sorry I don't care

Dorothy leaves to go to her room.

Aunt Pooja: Is this how you teach your children, Don. She needs discipline
Aunt Varli: more, hate less. Dorothy is a good girl.

Angela felt really angry.
Angela : I raised my daughter. And I'm proud of what she has become. She's a smart and beautiful girl. I have no regrets. I taught her well.
Angela stands up .

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