Part 23: OMG 😮

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Dorothy and Emilia are shocked by his remark.
Dorothy: Uh Thanks I guess
Dorothy continues to eat her bland chicken , trying her best not to make eye contact

Emilia: I'm gonna go to the bathroom

Dorothy whispers to Emilia
"Don't go!" In a quiet tone

Leaving only Dorothy and Alex at the table.
Only silence is heard
Dorothy looks up and Alex was staring at her with a smile. She proceeds to look down again

"So...How's your day" says Alex in a romantic tone.

Dorothy: It was ...normal?
Alex: That's great.
Alex: You free tonight ?
Dorothy: No I'm busy
Dorothy : um

Dorothy tries to think of an excuse

Dorothy: I have to help my mother ...cook

Alex : Damn
Dorothy:  Just basic skills. Hehe
Alex: I can't take my eyes off you
Dorothy: Yeah..I can see that
Alex: You're beautiful .So beautiful

Dorothy: I guess you look good too, Mr
Alex: Thanks
Alex: Just call me Alex
Dorothy: Ok ..Alex

Emilia is comes out of the bathroom and watches them from afar .

"What are they talking about" she thinks to herself.
" The teacher looks so flirty "

"I feel so uncomfortable"  Dorothy thinks to herself

Alex continues to give Dorothy romantic glances.

Dorothy: Uh yes ....

Just as he was about to say something, he receives a call.

Alex: Oh, I have to go. Goodbye Dorothy . See you again
Dorothy: Bye..
Alex : Bye
Just as Alex leaves , Emilia dashes to Dorothy

Emilia: What happened???!
Dorothy: Where the hell were you?
Emilia:The bathroom ..then I kinda watched y'all
Dorothy: He kept staring at me and complimenting me . I feel so weird
Emilia: Omg he likes you .what else did he say
Dorothy: He told me to call him by his name
Emilia:......okay..but when I do it , it's "wrong"
Dorothy: Oh no. What if he really likes me
Emilia: I'm sure he does
Dorothy: I'm dating his brother
Emilia: Tell him that
Dorothy: No you
Emilia:...what..I shouldn't be the one to tell , you're the one dating his brother
Dorothy : Ok lets calm down. What if we are overreacting . Maybe he doesn't have feelings for me
Emilia: Are you nuts? It's clear that he likes you
Dorothy: Sigh

Alex meets up with Sean

Alex: I think I found someone who I like
Sean : WOW! That's amazing !
Sean: Go get her!
Alex smiles ." hopefully she accepts me" he says.
Sean: I'm sure she will . Once both of you are together , I'd love to meet her.
Alex: You haven't introduced me to your girlfriend yet
Sean: Soon. :)

Sunday, 11PM

Dorothy receives a text from Sean. "Want to watch a movie later?"
"Sure " replied Dorothy

Both of them watched a romantic comedy together and held hands throughout the film.
After the movie ended, They went to the beach where they first started dating . "Wow the nostalgia" says Dorothy . " I remember staring at your dreamy eyes" said Dorothy happily.

"One day .....your mom.. will let us be together ..Maybe even get married"says Sean .

Dorothy: They sure will. I'll never give up on you

They share a kiss by the sea shore.


Emilia receives messages from Natalie.
Natalie sends topless pictures of Alex.
Emilia: Natalie ,what the....
Emilia: Where the hell did you even find these ...
Natalie: I might've stalked his Facebook and Instagram
Emilia: What a creep
Emilia: And..why are you sending me this
Natalie : Thought you'd like it
Emilia: ...
Natalie: Anyways, you're my friend so
Emilia: LOL.
Emilia: Bye .

Emilia texts Dorothy
"Hey, Natalie sent me topless pics of Alex"
Dorothy: No. I am not interested. Don't send it to me
Emilia: Damn his body though
Emilia sends It to Dorothy regardlessly

Dorothy :
Emilia: he's so fit
Emilia: His muscles are huge
Dorothy: Emilia, stop being inappropriate
Emilia: Hun, I'm not the one who lost her virginity to a teacher
Dorothy: Omg

Dorothy gets in her bed but she receives a text from Alex
"good night"

Dorothy thinks to herself " um no"
She ignores the text

Monday , 9AM
Dorothy tells Emilia " Ugh I have to face Alex again"
Emilia: Good luck cuz hes gonna focus on you the entire lesson

When classes began, Dorothy kept avoiding eye contact with Alex. Trying her best not to look at him.
But suddenly, Alex comes right up to her table.
"Miss , please focus on me when I teach " said Alex while smirking


As the bell rung , everyone leaves. But Alex asks Dorothy to stay.
"Everyone can leave. Dorothy , stay"
Dorothy: Wtf
The only ones remained were Dorothy and Alex. Emilia waited outside.

Alex:Dorothy I have something for you

He takes out a bouquet of roses . 🌹
Dorothy gets shocked
Dorothy:Um what's this..
Alex: It's for you .

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