part 13: Family Feud

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Dorothy wakes up the next day, locked in her room . Angry at her father. "How could he be so mean"
Angela knocks on Dorothy's door and tells her "breakfast is ready"

The family sits at the dining table together.
All silent. Don started asking Dorothy " so , are you gonna end it with Him"
Angela: Don . Stop
Don: Dorothy , this isn't your time to date. Studies come first
Dorothy: but , He isn't ruining my studies at all. He helps me sometimes.sean motivates me to work harder. Dad, believe me
Don: ENOUGH , no more NONSENSE
Don: I said STUDIES FIRST. Break up with him .

Angela looks at Don with a annoyed face.

Dorothy: No, I said this yesterday. I will NOT break up with HIM
DON:Why are you being so stubborn. You're being a disgrace to our family. Can't you listen to your parents?
Dorothy: Why do you want to RUIN MY LIFE. YOU ALWAYS DID.
Dorothy: You only care about my studies. Just..back off .
Angela: Dorothy ..
Don: That's enough. GET OUT! GET OUT OF THIS HOUSE. I don't want to see you right now. Get out before I disown you
Angela: DON!
Angela: STOP IT

-Dorothy's storms off and leaves the house-

Angela : How could you talk like that. Couldn't you tell her nicely. It was unnecessary for you to tell her those words.
Don: stay away ,Angela. Stay out of this
Angela: excuse me?

Angela slaps Don
Angela: NOBODY talks to my daughter like that. You went over the line. I'm done with you telling me what I can or cannot do

Angela glares at Don and walks away. She tries to contact Dorothy.

Angela calls Dorothy
Angela: are you okay , dear. Please forget what your father said
Dorothy: I need some time out of the home.
Angela: Okay dear
Dorothy: Thanks for being supportive . I appreciate it

It started raining heavily. Dorothy sits on the park bench , crying .

She was soaking wet. Suddenly , A figure gave put a coat over her head. It was Sean.
Sean: What are you doing here?
Dorothy wipes off her tears and hugs Sean.
Sean: What's wrong?
Dorothy:Bring me away

".....Alright" said Sean in a soft tone

~Both of them walk under a coat as the rain poured heavily~

~Both of them walk under a coat as the rain poured heavily~

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