Part 26: Redemption 🌺

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Alex leaves the classroom . Emilia is in a shocked state.

Emilia quickly texts Dorothy
"Damn ma, That man is nuts"
" He need to take some chill pills and therapies

Emilia thinks to herself 'Thank god I'm not living her life"
She walks and trips on the stairs.
"Bitch wtf".Alex lends her a hand.
Alex: Im sorry about what I Said...I'm so sorry. I regret being so harsh on you
Emilia: Where the fuck did you come from
Alex: Are you okay ..
Emilia: Ew leave me alone .
Alex: Please. We need to talk
Emilia: K what is it?
Alex and Emilia sits on a bench outside the college.

Alex:I'm sorry I said all that to you. And I'm sorry to Dorothy too. I don't know...why..I did all that . I never felt so guilty in my life.
Alex: I regret everything I did ...I have to apologize to my brother and Dorothy..I messed up.
Emilia: Yeah you did.
Alex: I acted like garbage....It was so immature of me. I'm sincerely sorry for all that I've done. For real.
Emilia: Ok stop apologizing. You need to tell them this face to face. Imagine how Dorothy and Sean feels......
Emilia : How are you gonna fix your relationship with them
Alex: I don't know

Emilia starts to feel bad for Alex.
Alex: My feelings took over...
Emilia: It's okay . ☺️ ..Cheer up. The important thing is you apologize for your actions and never do it again. You have to make up with Sean and Dorothy.They're the ones who you should tell this to. Not me.
Alex: You're ..right .
" Thanks.." Alex says while smiling..
"I'm glad I talked to you..."
Emilia: Np. I should become a therapist..
Alex: You'd do great
Both of them laughed .
Alex: I will treat everyone the same in class now..I promise
Emilia: You better
Emilia: If you need advice or emotional support..just talk to me . Even though I'm bad at it
Alex: I will. And ,You're not bad at're amazing .
Emilia giggles -

Emilia: Anyways I need to help Dorothy too... I have to go.
Emilia: My mom is here .
Alex pats Dorothy on the shoulder and says "Goodbye..thanks for the help"

Emilia:You're welcome..

Emilia smiles and waves goodbye .

She goes into her mother's car as Alex looks at her with gratefulness

As Emilia goes into the car .She says "Ma, Do you know what happened "
Emilia's mom: What Happened
Emilia: The brother of Dorothy's boyfriend liked her
Emilia's mom: Wow...
Emilia: and both of them are teachers
Emilia's mom: Oh my god. What is Dorothy gonna do
Emilia: I don't know

Dorothy is still on her bed, thinking about her life.
"My life is a mess right now" she thinks to herself. " My dad hates Sean , his brother fell in love with me ...ugh why can't me and Sean be together in peace"

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