Gun To The Head

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The next day, I woke up and checked the clock on my night stand. It read 5:22am, and I decided to head down to our gym and combat room, which was basically a giant room with a few treadmills, equipment machines, weights, and a separate area for stretching and yoga. The other part of the room was a giant padded area we used for training or just whenever we felt like fighting and having some fun.
I walked in, energy drink in hand.
"Hey why're you up so early?" Nathan asked, and I looked up to see Nathan and Carson in fighting stance on the combat mat.
"Couldn't sleep." I said simply. "What're you guys doing?"
"Knitting." Carson said turning his attention back to Nathan and getting back into his weird squatting position.
  "You're doing that wrong." I said.
  Carson sighed and stood up straight again. "Ok Ms. Smartass. What am I doing wrong?"
  I set my drink down at the towel station and walked forward.
  I stood in front of Carson, Nathan bowing out of the way.
  "You stand with your feet angled this way. Gives you better footing and faster reflexes. When your standing as you are now you don't expect anything and you have a slower reaction time." I said, and I took him down in a fraction of a second to demonstrate. I had him on the floor with an arm pinned behind his back and my other arm strong against his throat.
  "Damn it!" He swore, when I let him go and offered a hand to stand up. "Every time!"
  "We've had more training than you, don't feel bad." I said, nudging his shoulder. I pulled my white Adidas sweatshirt over my black tank top. "Nathan keep working on this one. He's fast, but it won't matter if there's a gun to his head." I called, walking off to the weights.
  Carson's power was super speed and strength. The ironic thing was that for such a fast guy, he could have slow reflexes, and his combat training was basic, and so we've been training him in those areas. Sometimes we throw fruit at him to test his reflexes. Then he gets pissed and chases us around the building.
  I did the bench press for a while, before moving onto the regular dumbbells.
  After about two hours, I headed back up the kitchen where I assumed everyone would be for breakfast. I checked my watch. 7:16am.
  The elevator reached the top floor, and opened into the gaming room.
  "Hey guys, whats for breakfast, I'm hungry." I shouted as I made my way to the kitchen.
  I looked up from my phone and saw the game room a complete wreck and my eyes widened.
  "What the—"
  I ran into the kitchen and saw a, about 30 feet in front of me with a semi automatic gun for a hand. He spun around and aimed at me before I was tackled out of the doorway and back into the game room, gunshots going off in the kitchen.
  "Stay down!" Nathan hissed in my ear.
  "What the hell happened?!" I whisper shouted, throwing off my sweatshirt so I was just in my black leather tank top with all the knives. I never took it off.
  "I'll explain later. Do the weird eyes, we've got to find the others and take him down together." He said, looking at me. I switched to my heat detection mode so I could find everyone from their body heat, and my eyes changed to a bright, yet pale, orange.
I grabbed Nathan's forearms and lead us through the quarters and almost everyone was inside the control room.
"Oh my God, where were you idiots?!" Joe whisper shouted.
"I was downstairs. What the hell happened?" I asked.
"I don't know I woke up along with everyone else and we came into the kitchen to make some breakfast but these three bozos came in from the elevator and started shooting up the place. Not everyone was lucky." Rianna explained. She was sitting in a spinning chair, holding her shoulder, that I hadn't noticed before. She was shot and bleeding. A lot.
"Alysa...Where's Alysa? We need her power." I said, rushing to Rianna and putting pressure on the wound.
"We don't know. We took one of the guys down, but the other two are still in there and we got split up. We don't know where Alysa or Carson are."
Sophia tugged her hair before dropping it. "Ok we need a plan."
We came with a plan in 2 minutes and walked out of the control room.
One or both of them was in the kitchen, so me and Sophia went around to the two opposite doorways of the kitchen and charged him at once. I spun around my corner and threw a blade at him. It went straight through his left eye and he cried out like a man would. So remarkable it was terrifying how realistic these robots were.
Me and Sophia both fought him from opposite sides, giving and taking hits.
"STOP!" I heard someone bellow behind me. Me, Sophia, and even the man, all stopped fighting and whirled around to see the mans partner, holding Carson by the neck, a gun to his head.
"Stop or I will shoot. Surrender all your friends, and yourself, and come with us miss Chamberlin."
I looked at Carson, and he actually seemed surprisingly calm. He gave such a small nod, I almost hadn't even seen it.
He corrected his footing like I taught him this morning, and took the guy down and at the same time I did a back hand spring, landing on dumbass number two's shoulders, and I used all my strength to twist his neck, all in one motion. His robot head popped off and landed on the floor with a loud bang, and the body slumped to the floor with it.
I looked up to see Carson looking a little shaken up, but proud of himself.
I grasped his hand with one hand and patted his back with the other.
"Good job, my student." I said, smiling.
"Thanks." He looked down at the bot, and he kicked the head off it, just so it wouldn't come back to life. "Let's find the others." He said. I nodded and we ran through the quarters. Everyone was unconscious and scattered around throughout the floor. Even Alysa, which was bad. Lots of people were hurt and we needed her power.
"How do we wake her up?" Carson asked.
"I'll handle it." I said, walking forward and picking her up.

We rushed everyone else down to the infirmary and got everyone on fluids. After everyone else was set up, I stuck an anesthetic into Alysa's IV and she was awake within 30 seconds. I took a lot of medical classes in school, and so I knew all about medicine.
After Alysa woke up, we explained everything that happened as she got to work on Rianna, who was still losing a lot of blood. Nathan had a bruised windpipe, Carson had a dislocated elbow, Joe had a small fracture in his ankle, and Sophia had two broken ribs. The four guards downstairs had similar injuries, and they were definitely more severe. Alysa had a severely bruised abdomen and large cuts on her face and legs, but with her powers, she also self healed at a fast rate. Alysa got to work and I did anything to help.
"Keep them on sedative and someone needs to break it to Rianna she can't a while." Alysa said, clearing her throat.
"Are you kidding, she won't do that."
"She has to. She was shot." Alysa replied, crossing her arms and chuckling.
  I sighed and smiled. "Ok well your providing her care so you have to tell her. Not it!" I said, and Alysa cursed.
  "Ok call me in if someone wakes up. I'm gonna go in the control room and check the surveillance and stuff." I said. She nodded, and I walked out of the infirmary.
  As I walked through our home to the infirmary, I stared at the damage everywhere. The entire place was just wreckage.
  I walked into the control room and sat at the computer. I turned it on and started going through the surveillance. First I decided to check the surveillance downstairs, where there was supposed to be security.
  The camera started rolling and you could see our two armed guys by the door, and two more at the elevator. I briefly saw the camera catch the robot men stroll in, and the fight start, before the camera went static.
  "What the..." I mumbled to myself.
  I exited out of that screen, and checked the other camera inside the elevator. I saw them knock our last guy by the elevator out before strolling in and that camera went static too.
  "This doesn't make sense. They're not even touching them."
  I went to the one in our game room and the camera went static. The one in the kitchen went static. The one in the hallways went static.
  I slammed my fist on the table. "Son of a bitch!"
  I clicked on the last one, which was the control room. I expected it to go static once the man walked in, but it kept rolling and I leaned closer to the screen. The man looked around, and took something out of his suit pocket. He set it down on the end table next to the couch in the corner of the room. I paused the surveillance and turned around slowly.
  I hadn't even noticed before, but there, stood a little black box. I pushed my chair back and walked over to retrieve the box.
  I examined it and pressed the black button on the top.
  The blue hologram of the spinning logo appeared once again.
  "This is your last chance to give up your hunt. We have eyes everywhere. This is your last warning. Next time we will send an army, and we will not lose until there is more blood shed, and death."
  The logo disappeared and the box started giving off a high pitched siren sound.
  "Hey, some of the teams waking—" Alysa said strolling in.
  "GET OUT!" I shoved her out as hard as I could, and threw the box out of my hand, but it hadn't gotten far before it exploded, sending me flying into the hallway, and my back slamming painfully against the wall, before everything went back.

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