Prologue(Unedited)- What a Lovely day

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This story will be in 3rd person point of view and in addition will be able to hear others thoughts, however it will only be the Mc's and Readers mind that we will hear from commonly. Please excuse my grammar and horrible sentence structures, odd story plots and no idea of American culture [I am Australian so some things will be similar compared to British]. In addition this is a maleXfemale story, and since Craig and Tweek's relationship seemed forced to me it will be more of a Very strong bromance type of relationship. I am sorry to the LGBTQI+ readers/ Fans I mean no dislike.

P.s I dont know who made the cover, Please tell if someone knows

I have only seen snow once in my entire life 12 years ago and I've only watched 2 seasons of South Park with scattered episodes of other seasons.

Swear words: uncensored-Crap censored- Everything else

Device communication



[??????'s POV]

The temperature was below freezing in the outskirts of South Park City, puffs of frozen air come out of a heroine's mouth as they rub their freezing hands together. Quickly blowing a small flame into their hands they continue to jump across the roof tops, trying not to slip on the ice and snow covering the area. Across the road there's another running figure racing them to the upcoming junkyard, glaring at the other they quicken pace to beat them there propelling themselves with Teleportation Blinks. A little winded when arriving they waste no time in turning on the traps for the Other as they hide in one of the Order posts, quickly sending a prayer upwards for the hopes that no one else followed the Other that they were racing against.

"Jom-votum! Do you copy? Jom-votum!!!" Quickly hissing a yes at the caller in her ear, then adds.

"Quiet Order! One of them is here, I need to put this place on Implode!" Awkwardly moving a bunch of boxes over the entrance to keep the Other out, the voice on the other side squeaks.

"Which one! JV if its one of the Coons you need to get out of there, Worst if it's that one from OK group. Did you see the costume?" Grabbing the important information that could possibly be stored here, the heroine's brow is covered in sweat as her fingers are working at the speed of light. During the time she's is doing this thumps are heard on the roof of the 'pile of trash' she's in, whispering into her ear.

"Pof it was the merciless one with the dual class Brawler and Thief." On both ends a breath is hitched, shakily she adds. "I'm hitting implode for five seconds, please patch me up if I survive this."

"DARN IT JOM-VOTUM! Answer the line!... Jom?"


Like your mood, today is a horrible and gloomy snowy day, setting back high school for you. Although you woke up in your host's families sons bed the events of last night where pretty fuzzy, but you could guess what happened very easily.

"Hey [Nickname] I have toast for you! With some eggs too because you can't go on the first day of a new school on an empty stomach!" Butters or Leopard Stotch your only friend bursts into the room with two plates of amazing food, lovely Turkish bread with poached eggs that had cracked pepper on them. Siting up as fast as lighting you gladly accept the meal, and that gladly accepted meal now sits at the bottom of your stomach. "Wow you are a very scary eater, please slow down because if you don't I'll lose MY appetite. Oh Golly I'll have to be quick, the patrols will be here any moment to fetch us and I wanna be presentable for that h-he!! Hole."

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