Chapter 3- Prerogative Studies (Unedited)

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I have only seen snow once in my entire life 12 years ago and I've only watched 2 seasons of South Park with scattered episodes of other seasons. Fanart welcome! I'm surprised if you do though

P.s Dovahkiin? Mole? Yale? JV? Who's JV? Thank you for the over thirty forty favourites! This chapter will be a little boring but the next will be more exciting! Why you guys so nice! Oh When fanart is concerned I will say that the pictures are not cannon for this, but I enjoy them none the less. If I use one I'll ask first then I will credit.

However if you see one that has a YL/NW at the bottom it's my work.

Swear words: uncensored-Crap censored- Everything else

Device communication




TW-Cursing, Violence, Blood, Threats, the usual in these stories, fandom and genre

[??????'? POV]

Working inside one of the Order Posts I wind up traps and alarms, using my Electro-sense I see the faults and issues. As I fix them the alarm system rings through the post, making me finish and turn my full attention to the comns.

"Jom-votum! Do you copy? Jom-votum!" I get a hissing reply of yes, checking her location I begin turning the traps sensors on.

"Quiet Order! One of them is here, I need to put this place on Implode!" Squeaking in shock, what the heck is she thinking? Implode is only used for curtain people, mainly all the heavy hitters.

"Which one? JV if it's one of the Coons you need to get out of there, Worse if it's that one from the OK group. Did you see the costume?" Rushing to area six waste disposal Order speeds closer, he arrives to see the post on fire. Shrapnel scattered everywhere and I see a collapsed form of Super Punch in the bags nearby JV, rushing to her side I gently pick her up and fly way from the scene. We get to the roof tops to hide as I heard the bloodsucker coming, watching him like a hawk I watch as he picks up the fallen villain. Flying away but not before he licks some blood from Super Punch's cheek.

Disgusting how could you do that to your own team mate, especially if they are your friend in school and possibly trust you. I am saddened that I am 'friends' with Clyde. Waiting for him to fly a safe enough distance I make our own leave, keeping low and in the shadows of this terrible city. Landing in another outpost not far from home I change into civilian clothes and quickly change [Name's] clothes, blushing but very thankful that she wears clothes that can be seen as civilian I just take off the cape and head gear. Before putting the oversized shirt on her I quickly check the vital areas for injuries, healing the ones found on her legs.

No wonder she collapsed her legs were cut massively... After fixing up her legs and gently slinging her over my shoulder and changing into my own civilian clothes, I slowly lower ourselves down into the alleyway. Then with that we take the freezing trip back to the house, ducking away when hearing sounds above and saying that my friend is drunk to others.

"Thanks [Name] for passing out on me, all you needed to do is check on the out post and destroy it from a safe distance. But no [Name] didn't blink far enough AND decided to set a stupidly low timer." Mumbling to myself as we walk, I must have lost track of time because as soon as I looked up we were in front of my house.


[3rd Person][Prerogative Studies]

The bell rings as the teacher walks into the class room but the noise level doesn't lower, annoying them. So waiting idly and leaning on his desk, he counts off the seconds to see how much time he'll keep them in, he settles into his desk and opens his computer. Some kids in the class quiet down as they saw the teacher, others didn't but the kids that didn't ignore the teacher began to try and get the others to stop.

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