Chapter 1- The Exchange (Unedited)

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I have only seen snow once in my entire life 12 years ago and I've only watched 2 seasons of South Park with scattered episodes of other seasons.

P.s Don't think that these updates are going to be this forever, i have work so i wont update as much. Thank you and sorry about the inconvenience, please Comment criticism or pleasure about this work.

Swear words: uncensored-Crap censored- Everything else

Device communication



[?????'s POV][1st person]

"Super Punch this is F-F-F-Fastpass, w-what are your coordinates? You said that you found one of the O-Order outposts, is there any need for back up?" Rolling my eyes at the others stuttering I gracefully jump across the buildings ploughing through the icy terrain, gathering energy in my legs I leap and land heavily on a pile of trash.

"No Fastpass, I DON'T need any back up. I can beat the weak #@*&#*$ excuse of a 'hero'." Cursing the idiot at the end of the line, I step forward onto the 'pile of trash' and it strangely begins to heat up. "OH you #$&%@#$ don't, anyone in the area of South park western Rubbish disposal come to aid!" As I finished that sentence and leaping into the air, I find myself being pulled towards the newly created heat vacuum. Making air pressure I contradict the implosion and be forced outwards, roughly landing in a pile of plastic bags. The ringing in my ears doesn't stop as I hazily see a caped figure pick up another figure, they glace back at me to then push themselves away.

"F-ah-Fastpass it was @*&#*&$ Professor Order, and he n-now has an acquaintance it seems. Call in #*&$%&^ Tupplewear I need a medic." Sluggishly I fall back into the trash underneath me, black spots dancing in my vision. In the last moments of clarity I feel warm arms pick me up, and as quickly as I felt them I knew no more.

[Reader's POV][2nd Person(?)]

You have ended up in the nurse's office on the first day, well done. However the good news was that you only got some scrapes and a bloody nose from that date with the stairs, bad news is that EVERYONE in the school saw it and posted on social media.

Darn it, I wanted to be invisible for at least a week before getting drama! I really hope that video doesn't become too popular. You breathe out your nose and sigh, I hope Butters is ok with those psychopaths, I'm really worried if they figure him out. I rather have my best friend die from old age than a prerogative powered punch..."Mi

ss you are now allowed to leave the facility as your nose has stopped bleeding and your scrapes bandaged, here is a late pass for your teacher." Thanking the creepy nurse you walk out and head to your homeroom, as your halfway there you remember that this is a completely different school. You panic as you realised you where lost...

Crud, where'd that stupid piece of paper go? You pat your body trying to find the paper and then remembering that you have the timetable on your phone, whipping it out you turn the screen on to see a missed message from Butters. You thank Butters and his thoughtfulness, because it turns out that you two share homeroom with each other and he'd sent you a map. Dashing through the halls you manage to get there five minutes before the bell rings, catching your breath while leaning on the door frame you slowly knock on the hard wood.

Although muffled because of the dense wood an audible 'Come in' is heard, you open the door to see the home room teacher. He didn't seemed pleased with you, quickly looking at his name tag you find his name to be Mr Smith. Rubbing your arm nervously you hand him the note the nurse gave you, with a raised brow he huffily takes it from your hands and reads over it. His expression softens as he reads the note and looks at you with a sympatric look, gesturing for you to stand in front of the board he clears his throat gaining the attention of most of the class.

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