Chapter 5- Panic Inducing (Unedited)

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I have only seen snow once in my entire life 12 years ago and I've only watched 2 seasons of South Park with scattered episodes of other seasons. Fanart and Theories welcome! I'm surprised if you do though

P.s I have no concept of time, I do another story called Adventure into Another World. This book is the core, AiAW is a sub story explaining the curtain things said.

P.P.S What the heck US, what even is your Summer holiday. I just spent 20 mins trying to figure that crap out.

Swear words: uncensored-Crap censored- Everything else

Device communication inducing

"Phillip Prerogative"




TW-Cursing, Violence, Blood, Threats, the usual in these stories, fandom and genre

Warning : Description of a panic attack, please correct me if I wrote it wrong because I have never had one. I meant no offence.

[Craig's Gang Table POV][3rd person]

Tweek sits idly as he watches his two 'Friends' carry a semi feral Clyde back to their table, a annoyed eye roll takes place as he realises what he'll have to do. Taking a swig of coffee he walks over to Clyde, shoving water in his mouth in case Butters blood has diseases and then giving him some honey and ginger tea. They walk over to the benches and wait for Clyde to shallow the hot beverage in his mouth.

"R-R-Remind me why I h-have to do this, and not like J-Jimmy or one of you two?" Tweek says exasperatedly as he disinfects a syringe from Clyde's pocket, then finding a good vein he quickly takes two hundred ml's (0.4 pints) of blood. Leaning away from Clyde's hands as they try to grab his arms.

"Because Tweek, one he likes your blood as it's his second favourite blood type and me and Token have to hold him. We can't do that and get blood." Craig's dispassionate voice cut through, the one that Tweek hated ever since he started using it in year four seven years ago. Twitching more violently he hastily removes the syringe before he can damage himself more, quickly chucking it at Craig and turning to his own coffee. Dumping three tablespoons of sugar into his black coffee, ruining his beverage in the process.

Clyde practically lunges for the syringe with needy hands; Token has to jump backwards so he wasn't hit with Clyde's wings that are beginning to form, after mumbling how useless people are. Unsurprisingly to most, Clyde does not hurt Craig when he snatches the ruby life from his fist. Squirting the liquid into his mouth instantly.

Craig looks at Clyde with hints of disgust as the guy drains the syringe, while on the inside cringing and feeling a bit faint. Craig hates the sight of blood even though he enjoys beating people up, blood reminds him of his failures.

And he hates it.

"Ah! What a lovely meal! Tweek you drinking your favourite blend again, because it has a nice tint to it. Guess we were right with saying that you have coffee as blood. Hahaha." Clyde's eye sturning back to brown and his struggling calming down very noticeably, Craig lets him go and sits back down next to Tweek.

"Gah! Clyde you had to go and ruin my C-c-coffee! W-w-when was the last time you F-f-F#&$#$@ ate?" Tweek violently stutters and points an accusing finger at Clyde as he drinks his coffee, obviously annoyed at the fact his coffee is now like drinking pure sugar. Tweek only gets a shrug back at him, further annoying him as seen from his somehow increasing twitching.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2019 ⏰

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