Chapter 4- Low Iron (unedited)

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I have only seen snow once in my entire life 12 years ago and I've only watched 2 seasons of South Park with scattered episodes of other seasons. Fanart welcome! I'm surprised if you do though...

P.s There won't be many updates for the next 8 weeks, I'm a senior and that makes my life harder. Additionally all my teachers this year must love homework because I have to write two essays that aren't assessment. So I apologize in advance. And I've changes Token's last name to his original, Williams. Makes life easier and less laugh-able

Swear words: uncensored-Crap censored- Everything else

Device communication




TW-Cursing, Violence, Blood, Threats, the usual in these stories, fandom and genre

[Broflovski Household][3rd person]

Kyle breathes a sigh of relief as his surroundings become warm and cosy from the metal and freezing bus. Turning to his left he sees Ike, his favourite person in the whole wide world, his little brother. Rubbing his face and sighing, he begins to undress from his jacket and shoes to hang them up, ruffling Ike's hair when passing him.

"MA! We're home!" Calling out Kyle walks into the kitchen to see his mother to be waiting for him with arms crossed, an expression anger but not quite furious yet plastered on her face. Chuckling nervously he slowly eases himself into a kitchen chair as he awaits the yelling he's going to get in five seconds, Ike hops inside and goes to hug Sheila but notices her expression. He looks at Kyle questionably, to communicate without talking he inquires to Kyle, Why did you get into the fist fight at lunch bro?

A small shrug to Ike, answering back. I donno, guess I played up too well?"

"Kyle – Broflovski! You mister have a lot to answer for! WHaaaat where you thinking? Getting in a fight of the first say of Year Eleven, mother of grace Kyle you are a senior. You are a Big boy now! Please act like it or you are going to end up as a deadbeat. Be like your father, a hardworking man who is very handsome." Kyle doesn't even dare to roll his eyes at Shelia in fear of sitting through the same speech he got last year, to then suffer the same one he got in year seven after his Prerogative came around.

"One last thing Kyle, you were never the same after your power came through. It's scary, and I don't want to lose my baby boy." There it is, Kyle quickly walks up to Shelia and gives her a hug, the hug was to show that he's still her kid.

"Mother, you don't need to worry. I am trying my best to be a good student, my report cards are normally straight A's and Ike's are getting better to. I... I still love you mum and please don't worry about it, it's just. It was just a little disagreement." Kyle loves his family and would die for them, especially for his little Brother, so Kyle must act like this to save his family. Especially with the threat of Kenny and Stan around, not too much Cartman even though he hates him. Breaking away from the hug he walks over to Ike and drags him to their room to work on homework, well at least to do some homework. However he didn't hear Shelia's mumbles.

"At this point in time I am more concerned for your behaviour... Oh dearie me."

However as they are up the stairs Ike tugs on Kyle's arm since Kyle is really tall. "Kyle, why did you lie to Mum? Why don't you tell her you have to do this?"

Kyle stares into his room, Ike lets go of his arm.


"I have to."

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