Chapter 2- What's up with Him? (unedited)

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I have only seen snow once in my entire life 12 years ago and I've only watched 2 seasons of South Park with scattered episodes of other seasons.

P.s Where is New kid?

Swear words: uncensored-Crap censored- Everything else

Device communication



TW-Cursing, Violence, Blood, Threats, the usual in these stories, fandom and genre

[School cafeteria][Stan's Gang POV][3nd person]

"What do you think is up with Craig today, he hasn't started any fights today has he?" A muffled question is stated by the orange parka wearing teen towards his entire table, the bickering pauses for a second.

"You're right Kenny, for the first time in forever your poor broke butt is right! Hey guys what do you think?" The 'Big Boned' man-kid chortles as he looks around at the others for their, in his eyes, lesser input. Everyone on the table glares at him with contempt and all wonder why they are still friends with him, and none of them can come up with a good reason to. That is a good reason.

"Shut it fat-log if we wanted your input we'd ask you, and answering your question Kenny it might be because his pride got hurt or something. Or he just got up on the wrong side of the bed." Kyle bangs his hand on the table with frustration, he's close to smashing the bigger boy's face it.

Stan lightly interjects both of the boys to stop the fight from beginning, "Both of you shut it, you're going to get us in trouble on the first day and I'm not in the mood to deal with ticked off teachers. So Cartman and Kyle knock it off and take a page from Butters book and know when to shut up." Kyle gets a little fidgety from being told what to do but complies with his Best friend, the table goes quiet. The six other boys are trying to avoid Stan's piercing gaze that is until Cartman opens his mouth again.

"Hey look at this dumb newbie that Kyle sat next to this morning! She's a little popular from the s'morning." Cartman flips his phone around to show [Name] falling down the stairs, Butter's smile tightens at the sight of his secret friend falling. He is concerned and when they both get back home this evening he'll be checking those scrapes and bruises, his smile turning into grimace when half the table erupts into laughter.

"Oi this gossiping is so annoying but I'll say this, I told you she'd turn out to be a weakling." Kyle leans on Stan's shoulder and yawns, turning to Stan he smiles and pokes his cheek. "And Stan before we leave how are you and Wendy going? Anything interesting." Kyle asks wiggling his eyebrows, there is a predatory grin on his face.

"You Disgust me sometimes Broflovski." All heads snap towards the new voice as they see their old elementary rivals, Craig's gang.

"What the F$%@ you want Tucker? You gonna surrender or something?" Kyle sneers at the newcomers but the snarling was mainly directed at Craig and the twitching blonde boy, Craig just rolls his eyes at Kyle and stands in front of Stan. "Besides you seem to be in a crappy mood of lately and it's only the first day back at school."

The twitching blond steps up and grabs the collar of Kyle, in return everyone in the cafeteria falls into an anticipated silence. Everyone waiting for someone to pull the first move, and any new kids are told to quickly hush to then be informed on what is about to go down. Butter sighs at this fact and glances towards Kenny to see what he's going to do, Kenny seems to be very jovial about something. Why is he so happy? What the bubbling heck is wrong with you Kenny... Wait don't answer that I really don't want to know!

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