Update 2!

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So the name that's in the lead at the moment for our future main character is Venus-Sage Celeste Ross. That is her full name at the request of you guys voting Venus and commenting Sage as another name. Celeste also had a vote or two so that's her middle name. The name of the story will be sorta like the name of this story: The Skater Girl. Comment if I should: 1. let you guys make covers for it and then also have you guys vote on it,  2. I make the cover, or 3. make two or more covers and then let you guys decide on the best one. Anyways, now I need you guys to vote on the boy main character's name. Please choose one of the following:


1. Xavier

2. Orion

3. Perseus (Percy)

4. Adrian

5. Maxwell

Also, do you guys want Kyla's daughter to have Kyler's last name, Ross, or both their last names which would be put as, Ross-Rose? 

1. Just Kyler's

2. Both

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