Home and learn to Battle

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Hey new chapter Hope you like it.

I just realized that I don't do POV's much but I'll try some day it's kinda hard to do POV'S for me.

If any grammar issues leave a comment on the side and I'll fix it.


With Ruby

Ruby on the airplane on her way home to see her dad first and she asked the service people of there was a place for her parents pokemon to ride on the plane and they did.

Ruby looks out the window with Pikachu and they see Kalso region coming into view. "We are here Pikachu" Ruby told Pikachu smiling.

"Pikachu" Pikachu said Happily.

"Attention all passengers we will be landing in 10 minutes please all buckle up" The announcer told the passengers as Ruby buckles up.

10 mins later

Ruby went to catch her parents pokemon and walk out of the plane with the pokemon behind her including Pikachu on her shoulder. She breathes in the fresh air outside. "Ah it's good to be home" Ruby said smiling.

"Let's get something to eat, what ya day" Ruby turns to the pokemon asking them if they are hungry and then they all cheer for food.

"Alright let's go" Ruby said walking off with them following.

At pokemon rest stop

(N/A: I really don't know if there's a rest stop for pokemon except for a Pokemon Center so I add a pokemon rest stop)

All the pokemon eating pokemon food but with Pikachu eating Ketchup and Ruby just eating human food. Ruby looks at her fathers Pikachu going crazy with Ketchup. "Um I think you done with Ketchup Pikachu" Ruby said sweat dropping as she takes the ketchup.

"Pikachuuu" Pikachu said sadly making a sad face. "I'm sorry Pikachu" Ruby apologizes to Pikachu.

The a man noticed Ruby with her parents pokemon and recognizes her too. He walks up to her. "Hey it's you, remember me" He spoke to ruby making her look at him.

Her eyes went wide for a second then went to normal and then she smiles at the man. "Hey John no long no see" She says shaking his hands.

"Yeah nice to see you too, have you seen Your father as Ash lately" He asked her.

"Yes I have then I ran into trouble at Sinnoh country though" Ruby said scratching behind her head.

"Yea I have heard that my pokemon ran off with red eyes No even listening to me but not they came back to me" He said smiling.

"Yup and that's why I have my parents pokemon with me, I still need a little training how to beat my dad in a battle" Ruby said.

"Hmm a battle huh I can help you with some tips and there's a battle field out here so we can battle" He mentions.

"Yea that will help please do" Ruby said.

"Well first too is go for a pokemon that has advantage from a weak type like water has advantage of fire, you get it" He explained.

"Yeah I kinda of get that" Ruby said.

"Yeah another thing you need to think of what their going to do next" He said smiling.

"Yeah how about you show me that in battle" Ruby said finishing her food.

"Yeah let's do it now, I'll meet you at the battle field" John said as walking towards the battle field.

Ruby cleans up her area and looks at the pokemon. "Hey want to watch me battle today and maybe you'll cheer for me for my confidence" Ruby said with the pokemon cheers a little bit and follows her to the battle field.

When she went out she looks at the big battle field and her eye were amazed. "Wow, I know I seen a battle field but I never did battle on battle fields before" Ruby said to John that who's waiting for her on the other side.

"You did battle in battle fields before you could have before on your travels looking for your dad" He questioned her with wondering why she didn't.

"Well I just didn't have enough time, because dad kept on going to different regions quickly so that's why" Ruby said laughing nervously.

"Hehe why this is your time now, so let's enjoy this now shall we" John said with a smile.

"Yeah your right let's get started now" Ruby said ready up her pokemon.

"Okay, I'll bring my pokemon out first since its your first" John said as he let's out a his pokemon to be a Turtwig.

(N/A: I pick Turtwig because he from Sinnoh country so yeah)

Ruby draws out a pokedex to see a scan to his pokemon. "Turtwig, I grass type pokemon weak against Fire types, from Sinnoh country" The pokedex told her.

"So a grass type, so I know what Pokemon to call out. Come on out ponyta" Ruby called out her pokemon.

"Ponyta" Ponyta called out ready for battle.

"Good choice" John smiles at her.

"Yeah it was the pokedex told me" Ruby said nervously.

"Doesn't matter, let's get to battle" John said with confident.

"Your on" Ruby smirked.

After battle

(N/A: I'm sorry just so lazy for the battle and I'm not good with pokemon battles its late over here so yeah, but hey I will do a battle with Ruby and her father Ash full battle but maybe a short battle)

"Awe man how was I beaten and this was your first battle" John pouted as he returns his fainted pokemon.

Ruby just sat there with her mouth wide open. "How did I win" She said with her eye twitching.

"Hehe, I don't know maybe you gotten the trait from your dad he is awesome at battle, so maybe you have trusted your pokemon in battle" John explain maybe why she has won.

"I did trusted my pokemon and I'm glad for them" Ruby said patting Fenninkin on the head for a praise.

"Fen" Fenninkin squeals with cheers.

"Thank you for helping me, it helped a lot and there might be a chance for me to beat me dad" Ruby said ready for her dad's battle.

"Yeah no problem it was a honor to battle the daughter of Ash's and plus we are friends right" John said walking up to Ruby.

"Yeah your right again, but I need to get going now, and I'm sure my parents want their pokemon back" Ruby said looking at her parents pokemon smiling.

"Right, I'll let you leave now and I'm sure we'll meet again in the future" John said with a small smile.

"Yes we will John and good bye" Ruby said shaking his hand good bye.

"Bye Ruby" John said watching Ruby walking away with pokemon behind her.

Ehhhh sorry for the short chapter I had to make it short because Easter is around the corner and in with family right now I was do busy today so yeah I hope for the next chapter will be little longer.

For the next chapter will be Ruby battle her dad and after battle Ash and Serena will reunite.

So Will Ruby beat her dad in a pokemon battle or no

You have to wait and find out until next chapter

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Bye bye 👋

Words: 1223

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