A Happy Ending

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Hey I'm back this is going to be the last chapter.

Let me repeat that yes the last chapter same things goes for Paul's daughter Lizzie Ikarishipping.

Why because I lost interest into Pokemon stories. There might be slight chance I might get back into it maybe when I'm bored or Serena comes back, but yeah lost interest.

I know I think I said I might end the story with 25 but I want to finish the book because I want to post new stories out I want to write.

So I'm going to make this chapter at least close to 3k words to make it last good for you guys.

I hope you enjoy the last chapter

With Ruby

3 years have past

"Ruby can you go get seasoning for the cook out tomorrow" Serena asked her daughter to go get.

"Will do mom, I'll be back with it." Ruby said as she left her mother and baby two year old brother.

Ruby goes down a ally to find tons of seasoning, she picks out the right one for the cook out tomorrow. "Man why I have to go shopping with mom and dad gets to stay home." Ruby thought as  back to her mother showing her brother sitting in the baby seat.

Ruby put the item in the cart. "I got the seasoning, anything else you need." Ruby asked.

"No sweetie we are almost done with the shopping." Serena says they starting walking away from the foods.

"Mom why dad didn't come with us." Ruby says when they went to the check out to pay for the groceries.

"Your father didn't come because he has Pokemon battles to do." Serena told her Daughter as she starts bagging the food with Ruby helping out.

"Yeah, but why I had to go with you." Ruby complained watching her mother pushing the cart out of the store.

"I wanted you to come because I needed help, plus you had nothing to do at home." Serena says as they walked to their car.

"Your right I would be bored at home." Ruby said as she picks up her brother from cart.

"If you didn't come I would let you babysit your brother while I was gone." Serena said as she finishes putting the groceries in the trunk, Ruby buckles up her brother and goes in the front seat buckles up waiting for her mom.

"Yeah I guess I don't want to get stuck babysitting." Ruby said as Serena gets in the driver seat and starts driving home.

Ketchum's Home

Serena pulls up in the drive way, with Ash pulling up behind her showing he just came home from his battles. Ash opens his car door with Pikachu jumping out to climb on Ash's shoulder his normal thing to do.

Serena gets out of the car and to pop the trunk open picks up some bags from the store. "May I help." Ash offers to help.

"Yes please." Serena smiles and Ruby gets out goes in the back seat to unbuckles her brother out, she picks him up. "I'll take Asahi inside" Ruby told her parents.

"Okay sweetie we will take everything from here." Serena said as the married couple carry the bags inside the house and put them in the kitchen.

"So how was your battles did any have good potential." Serena asked her husband as they start putting away tomorrows food.

"Yeah some were very good, one almost beat me but I forgot his name though." Ash answers as he helping her and Ruby comes in the kitchen hearing the conversation.

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