The First Stone

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*Alex's POV*

     Elizabeth and I walked into the dining area together. Everyone was done eating... except Cole... that was surprising. We got our food and sat with Bella and Cole.

      "Hey guys," I said, "and is Cole still not done?"

     "This is his seventh plate," Bella replied .

      "Yeah, yeah, wherever. What do we have to do today," Elizabeth stated.

      "We get to go on a hike!" Bella exclaimed.

      "Ugh, great," Elizabeth said sarcastically.

      "Lighten up! It'll be fun!" Cole said with a mouth full of food.

      "Cole, you're right but please, don't talk with you mouth full. It's disgusting," I added.

     After breakfast everyone met in the middle of the camp. I remembered my dream. The words ''find me'' repeated in my head. Was this just a dream or did it mean something?

     I didn't have much time to think about it because the camp director started talking.

      "Get into your cabin groups!" he yelled.

      I didn't move because our group was already together. He began to speak again after a lot of commotion.

      "There will be seven groups of eight people, Griffin and Pegasus are group one, group two is Centaur and Manticore, three is Basilisk and Chimaera, four is Hippocampus and Sphinx, five is Cyclops and Unicorn, six is Werewolf and Satyr, and finally group seven is Dragon and Phoenix. The paths are numbered 1-7. You will go to the path with the number of your group. I have elected 7 people who will be responsible for you on the hike. Allison, from the Griffin Cabin, Howard, from the Centaur Cabin, William, from the Chimaera Cabin, Janet, from the Hippocampus Cabin, Andrew from the Cyclops Cabin, Cherry, from the Satyr Cabin, and Jonathan, from the Dragon Cabin. They know what to do. Now go hike," he moaned.

     We all left to find the path we were supposed to go to. All the paths were nice and clear...except path 7. It was dark and hard to make out. We introduced ourselves to the people in the Dragon Cabin.

      They were older but not too much older. They were all about 16. There was Jonathan, who had light brown hair and blue eyes. He wore a Dear Even Hanson shirt and jeans and had braces. There was also Lena who had medium length light brown hair and brown eyes. She was wearing a Hamilton shirt, jean shorts, and hiking boots. She had braces and glasses. She was also short and had a backpack for the hike. Then there was also Matthew who was wearing a green shirt and jeans. He had red curly hair and green eyes. He wore glasses and his face was covered in freckles. Finally, there was Isabella who had long black hair and brown eyes. She wore a Steven Universe shirt and Adidas shorts.

     We started heading down the trail. Jonathan jumped over logs no matter how many times Lena yelled at him. We just followed along.

      After awhile, my mind started to drift. I didn't realize I had wandered away from the group until I couldn't see anyone or the path. I looked around and saw a red glow. Without thinking, I went toward it.

     That's when I saw that the glow was coming from a red stone. I picked it up and felt energy course through my body. I immediately knew what I was holding. I had found the first magic stone.

     I stood there for what seemed like hours. Finally, I slipped the stone in my pocket then once again my legs started to move on  there own until I was back to the path. No one seemed to notice I left and I was glad.

     We started heading back to camp. Jonathan jumped over another log then fell on his face. Lena carefully climbed over the log and got bandaids out of her backpack. She scolded him about listening to her like she was his mother and led the way back to camp.

     When we got back to camp I didn't talk to anyone. I was surprised and had no idea what to tell anyone. This was so weird. I had one of the legendary stones in my pocket! Who knew what it was capable of!

Sorry that I haven't updated in a while. School has been crazy. Hopefully, I will have more time to write over the summer. Thank you for reading this everyone, Please comment and vote on the story. It makes me so happy when I see people add my story to their reading lists. Thanks again and I'll update again as soon as possible.

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