Day 4: I'm right here Pt.1

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"But Mr. Stark I could've-"

"You could've DIED, kid."

"It was not his fault! Besides, I don't think-"

"An opinion born of flawed judgment is the WRONG opinion."

"You don't get to-"

"Yes, I do. Do you know why? Because I'm the adult here, that's why. Gosh, Peter, what were you thinking? We draw thin lines here. I thought we agreed to stick to the ground. I don't get it, you don't want to be an Avenger, you don't want to stick to stopping cycle thefts- you don't want to go to college from the look of last weeks grade sheet-but I suppose your grades can start slipping when you persuade your friend to skip class and hack into a multi-million dollar suit- AGAIN- sneak around my back, lie to your Aunt, and try to stop some sort of drug ring that combined alien tech with heroin to get Oregon high, and didn't bother calling the feds or buying a plane ticket because Mr.Sticky McStick can hang onto a plane till PORTLAND. What do you think would've happened if I didn't get the antidote on the quinjet? The people in Oregon would be drug addicts and you could OD with that shotgun and DIE! This isn't your job. What do I do get that into your head? I made you a high tech suit and you mistreated it. I'd like to take the suit away, but clearly, that's not going to make a difference. If I didn't know any better, I'd think that you have zero respect for me or anything I say or do!"

"Then you don't know better."

Tony froze in shock.

When looked into his kid's doe brown eyes, he saw the kid's hero-worship crumble to dust.

His usual look of admiration morphed into cold resentment.

"I hate you" he whispered.

Tony felt his heart shatter into a million pieces.

Peter wordlessly picked his backpack from the couch and walked away.

Out of the tower.

Out of his life.

The last 24 hours were starting to take a toll on him. Although, he knew that even though he wanted to, he couldn't chalk it up to hallucination just yet.Tony felt like laughing at the irony of it all. He should have known. Everyone left him.His parents left him. Jarvis and aunt Peggy left him. His AI left him. The Avengers left him. Now, the kid he saw as his son left him.

The only one who kept coming back to him was Pepper.

Tony wished that Peter came back too. But he didn't hold high hopes, not after what was said and done.

He had a feeling that even Pepper couldn't fix him this time. If only she could fix this.

Somehow, Peter reminded Tony of Steve. He didn't care if he hurt himself and he definitely didn't care if it was legal. All he cared was about whether it was right.

Maybe that's why he kept the kid around. To see how long would it take him to make like Steve and leave (He knew that wasn't true).

Tony Stark hadn't felt like this in years. He didn't feel the sting of betrayal he felt when Steve left him to die in Siberia. He didn't feel the overwhelming grief he felt when he lost his parents. He didn't feel the crushing guilt he felt those few moments he thought Pepper was dead.

Old memories resurfaced with these emotions.

He remembered that time decades ago when he was but a little child vying for his father's approval. His father was always so disappointed, and it broke his eight-year-old heart. In his heart, he knew his father always loved him, but he had grown to detest that man for his constant disapproval and harsh remarks.

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