Day 8: Son, it's called Amnesia (Mr. Stark?!)

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It wouldn't be the first time Peter's perfectly insipid P.E or Lit would have been interrupted by a call to the front office (Kid, you do ten times what Mr.Raveoli Curls makes you do every day, what you really need is a break). 

Of course, when May found out, she had limited their getaways to twice a month and threatened to remove Mr. Stark as his emergency contact if he didn't stop kidnapping her kid (But Mayyy, it's not kidnapping if I want to go!).

Peter gladly made the requested command, swiftly slipping on his backpack and exiting the doom room where several lots of students insufferably recited Shakespeare's sonnets for the twelve millionth time.

He sauntered down the empty hallways, joyously prepping a warm greeting in his head for his mentor who shipped him away from this hell-hole in an extravagant sports car on 'internship' business ( It was surprising how easy that was to sell to the principal). On Wednesdays, they usually crashed Barbecue Parties in Manhatten.

But to his surprise, it wasn't Tony Stark sitting in the principal's office, giving him his usual playful grin.

It was Miss Potts, and she was looking very anxious. His cheery demeanor melted in a heartbeat.

Pepper signed him out, and he quickened his pace to match the rhythmic clicks of the anxious woman's heels on the floor.

As they hurried to the car, Ms. Potts was uncharacteristically non-verbal.

She harshly shoved the keys into the engine and jumped the accelerator.

Peter had been quiet the whole time. If anything, he was worried as to what made one of the most composed woman he had ever met behave in such an erratic fashion.

"Ms. Potts?" he bit his lip, "Is Mr. Stark okay?"

The car came to a sudden halt.

"Peter..." she looked at him apologetically.

Peter felt a growing sense of horror in the pit of his stomach.Did that mean...

Realisation dawned over Pepper, "Good heavens, No! Tony is...having a situation" She pinched the bridge of her nose and let out a frustrated sigh.

"A situation?"


Peter had become a quick constant of Tony Stark's life.He realized that the boy had smoothly blended into his daily life and wormed his way into his heart.

It had been a little longer than a year. The moment he returned from Siberia, he had wanted any trace of the rouge avenger's existence to be wiped off the face of the earth.

It was Pepper who advised against doing so, and he was glad for that matter.Destroying Steve's old drawings, or Nat's Russian vase collection, or Wanda's cookbooks and bobbleheads couldn't make him feel better.

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