Day 6: I'm right here Pt. 3

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Tony stirred uncomfortably as someone pulled up the blinds of his room and bright sunlight flooded the room.

"Stu'it" he mumbled from under the covers.

"I-I think you need to see this, Tony," Pepper sounded shaken up, which made him sit upright, "W's the matter, M'ss Potts?" he asked drowsily

Pepper silently handed him the Starkpad, wiping tears from her red-rimmed eyes. Tony was confused until he read the article on the tablet.

"No," he said softly.

This wasn't real.

"No, No, No," this had to be a horrible prank.

"It's not real," he whispered to himself.

He felt Pepper's comforting hand on his bare shoulder, "I'm sorry. He was a good kid, Tony" she collapsed beside him, buried her face in her palms and sobbed.

Breaking News: Queen's vigilante 'Spider-Man' found dead at 16, confirmed to be a Midtown High student...[Read full article]

His eyes thoughtlessly glazed over the words, but his brain couldn't process anything but denial.

'There has to be a mistake, Please, god, Peter...' he thought to himself.

Pepper collected herself, once again wiped her tears, "I've texted you the funeral home address." she silently stifled her sobs and left the room.

A funeral home, it was a place for dead people, Peter was alive. He had to be.

He kept telling himself that it wasn't real. But he decided he needed to see with his own eyes.

Everything that followed was a blur, but he vaguely remembered hastily putting on a suit and heading to the location in the Iron Man armor.

When he arrived, the air around was all but bleak.

Everyone in Queens came to Spider-man's funeral.

Everyone in Midtown high came to Peter Parker's funeral.

He didn't know why he was allowed to come to either.

He felt May tightly gripping his arm and pulling him to a...coffin on the table. An open coffin.

It was going to be empty, right? Peter was building Legos with Ned or doing something stupid and this was all a bad joke, right?

The coffin was all but empty.

There was his kid, lying peacefully in a box, he was sleeping.

But he was too pale and blue to be sleeping. He looked so... dead.

And then it hit him like a ton of bricks.

Peter Parker was dead.


He was never coming back.

Never again will he excitedly blabber about nanotechnology or random star wars trivia. Never again will he show him his report card and tinker with him in the lab. He will never get to mess with his kid's hair and tease him about crushes.

And god, the last thing they did was fight.

Just like his parents.

He was a failure. He failed the kid who looks...looked up to him.

His kid was gone.

Tony Stark had been through a lot.

But nothing could compare to this.

It felt like his entire world had been snatched away.

It felt like someone ripped his heart out and he died but a shell of the person he was still walked the earth.

It felt like his tears dried up and he couldn't cry.

It felt like everything lost its color.

He looked at Peter again. Every happy memory they shared now became a sad one. Even his usually flustered cheeks looked a washed out white. His cheekbones were excessively prominent. His lips were a pale blue instead of lively dark pink.

He knew all he was capable of feeling his moment forth was regret, guilt, and loneliness.Peter's still face pushed him over into the pit of despair.

Everything was silent, nothing mattered anymore and Tony felt he would be falling for eternity. Peter's motionless form would forever haunt him.

The only thing about Peter that was still the same was his hair. They had lost some of their shine, but his uncontrollable messy curls still stuck out everywhere making him look even more of a child.

Tony couldn't bear to see him like this, but he felt compelled to tuck a stray lock of his slovenly hair behind his ear.

As he reached out to the boy's corpse, his hand was caught in a vice, death-like grip.

It was Peter, holding his wrist.

He couldn't believe it. His kid still didn't look like himself, but rather a more sterile, somber and zombie-like version of himself.

He wanted to apologize. He wanted to hug his kid, he-

"Why didn't you do more?" Peter whispered.

He sat up straight in his coffin, his complete demeanor screamed death.

"This is all your fault!" he hollered, "I hate you."


A/N: Don't worry, Peter didn't really die uwu

I based this of an irl experience where I had a dream of the same sort and I was like shook for days. I can't imagine how actually losing someone would feel.

Days till Avengers: Endgame- 3

Word count: 820

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