Day 9: Son, Its called amnesia (Mr.Stark?!) Pt.2

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"So basically Mr. Stark hit his head real hard, forgot everything, and we can't tell him anything," Peter concluded.

Pepper anxiously nodded her head in affirmation, waiting for the signal light to turn green.

"So, like, he doesn't even remember he is Iron Man?"

"Nope." the light turned green, and she stomped on the accelerator.

Peter decided that Pepper was definitely not the smooth-driving kind, unlike Mr. Stark.

"But then why am I going there? Isn't he going to ask who I am and stuff? I thought we were trying to stop the memory overload..."

Pepper took a swift turn, alarming the truck driver in the next lane. "Well, he kind of asked for you, Peter."

Next time, he was going to draft his will before getting in the car with Pepper. "I thought he didn't remember me? And how far back does Mr. Stark clearly remember anyway?"

"Well, he mentioned something about a toga party, and according to Rhodey that was in their senior year at MIT, and there is something else I need to talk to you about, Peter."


It was annoying.

Really, really, annoying.

He roamed the halls of the tower others called his home, and hewas overcome with an overwhelming sense of familiarity with certain people or places, with no explanation whatsoever as to why.

Every time he tied to dig deeper, Rhodey and Happy tried and failed to distract him and avert his questions.

He had been told several times in the past hour that it was for his own good, and maybe that was true, but it was annoying.

It felt as though there was a thick translucent glass between him and all the answers he sought. He could make out vague shadowed traces, but everything was too obscured to amount to anything meaningful. He couldn't break the glass.

But even devoid of half his memories, Tony Stark was still a genius.Granted, it didn't take a genius to figure out that the high school homework on the kitchen table that said 'Peter' on it wasn't his.

It started small. As far as Tony remembered, he always maintained a compulsive stance towards Lab hygienics, so the chances of finding empty take out boxes next to expensive and delicate work material were slim to none.

Then, when he finally ditched Happy and Rhodey, he decided to explore his personal floors.The signs were screaming at him. He didn't play with legos, have Star War posters, wear size 7 converses or nerdy t-shirts with horrible science puns on it.

Then who's room was this?

Later, as he decided to brew some coffee despite Ms. Potts- Pepper's clear objection to consuming the said drink, he saw worksheets of advanced trig and Calculus II sprawled on the kitchen island. It hit him- If he didn't remember his fiancè, why would he remember his...other family members?

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