Day 5: I'm right here Pt.2

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Peter was angry, hurt, scared and tired.

Peter Parker was a fifteen-year-old who's life was turned upside down just because he was at the wrong place at the right time.

Almost a year ago, when he saw Tony Stark casually sitting in his living room, eating his Aunt's horrible cooking, he was surprised, confused, excited and terrified.

When his said idol confronted him about Spider-man, above everything else, a small voice in his head hoped that things would get better.

And yes, Mr. Stark did give him an excellent new suit with his own AI in it, but Peter would admit to being slightly disappointed.

For some reason, he decided that Tony Stark, a genius, billionaire, philanthropist, and Avenger was probably one of the few people on the planet who could understand what living a secret double teenage life, trying to balance school work, activity clubs, friends, romances and overprotective aunts was like.

Turns out, he didn't.

Granted, their lives were exclusively dissimilar and it had probably been stupid to hope in the first place.

For every passing day after Germany, it was getting easier to accept that Team Stark was low on a headcount and spider-man was nothing but a convenient recruit, but that was until the whole homecoming fiasco happened and Tony Stark, the greatest person alive, gave a distinct hint that he had been listening to those stupid messages he left by the tenfold every day.

It was only after the Vulture encounter that Mr.Stark decided he needed a little mentoring if he was ever becoming an asset to the team.

All those Thursdays in the lab, secret visits to Pizzerias under horrible disguises, movie nights at the compound and Ice skating in the Staten Island rink had evolved their relationship into something more than that of your standard Mentor and Mentee. Peter wasn't blind to that.

But he was also tired of being treated like a 5-year old with powers he can't control.If 'baby monitor', 'training wheels' and the 'spider's bedtime' protocols weren't an obvious implication of the kid Mr. Stark thought he was, his unpleasant yelling and unwarranted, incessant worrying were.

Every single time he tried proving to Mr.Stark that he was more proficient than he seemed to think, it didn't settle well with either of them.

He now knew that nobody, not even Mr.Stark could understand how scary stepping up to do the right thing was.

They didn't know that guns and knives made his knees weak, that he woke up in cold sweats in the middle of the night the umpteenth time having dreamt that someone dropped a warehouse on him, or hung him upside down and were seconds away from torturing him.

Tony Stark, on the other hand, was a collected man with a restrained temper who had everything and everyone in the world under control.

Mr. Stark could never understand the walking disaster that Peter was.

All the world ever saw was what he couldn't do correctly, all the mistakes he made and the people he couldn't save. All Mr. Stark saw was how irresponsible he was, if he missed classes or not and if he did something the older man didn't approve of.

So, for once Peter decided to retaliate the way he dealt with his problems, by slapping on the snarky, overconfident spider-man persona he had fabricated to wear on the streets.Peter regretted that.

He wasn't angry, he was furious, at himself.

His mentor would probably demand his suit back, given what he just said to him.

Why couldn't he do anything properly?


A/N: This was mainly Peter's perspective on the situation, and the length was relatively short because I needed the chapters to align with the flow.

Let me know if anyone would be interested in reading about what happened in Portland!

Days till Avengers : Endgame- 3

Word count: 644 words

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