Arsonists Lullaby

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Patrick grunted softly and slowly cracked his eyes open. It was dark and smelt damp. Patrick wondered if he was still in his house.

He tried to move his hands but found he couldn't. He was tied down to a chair. The ropes scratched at his wrists and ankles unpleasantly. His chin was tickled by a stray petal stuck to the dried blood. He closed his eyes again, there was no need to see right now. Patrick found himself doing what he swore he wouldn't. Reminiscing.

He thought about his life (or lack thereof) wondering where he had gone wrong. Wondered how he had ended up here. He took up the family business. Maybe that was his first mistake. He killed people but it wasn't really killing people. It was killing bad creatures.

Patrick felt something against his lips and opened his eyes again. There was nothing there. Patrick moved his mouth experimentally and cursed when he nipped himself. He had fanged. He had become what he was sworn to kill.

His stomach growled loudly. He felt helpless and pathetic. He was nothing like the confident boy he tried to be. He was stupid and reckless and now he was sitting alone in the basement, scared and starving.

Patrick groaned and opened his mouth. His throat felt dry and scratchy when he spoke.

"Pete this isn't funny-"

There was footsteps on the old, un-trustable steps. There were two sets of footsteps. One sounded too light to be Pete, the other too heavy. Patrick dreaded what was next.

"We're not Pete."

The light flicked on, flooding the room with brightness. Patrick squinted in the harsh light and glanced around for the source of the voice. It was pretty obvious seeing as there was only three people in his basement.

Pete was on the floor in the corner. He was obviously just flung down there with him, the position couldn't be comfortable. He wasn't tied down or in ropes. Patrick knew that they didn't see him as much of a threat. Patrick wouldn't either.

Patrick then looked at the two other figures, blinking rapidly, trying to understand his situation. There was a tall man, around 5'9, accompanied by a girl. She didn't look easier to take. She was about 5'7. Patrick didn't even have a chance to curse his genetics.

The man stood at his full height, un-moving, like a haunted statue. Then, his face lit up sadistically. Patrick took in his bleach blond hair, once maybe a platinum colour. His eyes were a mix of brown, green and red. His fangs stood pronounced against his full lips. Patrick felt bile rising in his throat. Gerard Way, his once boss.

Patrick didn't dare to look at him any longer. He looked at the girl instead. He didn't know her. But he guessed by the glances at Pete that she knew him. Her hair was also blonde, her eyes ringed with liner. Her face was pinched in a way that reminded Patrick of some kind of bitchy supermodel. She was tall and carried herself in a way that suggested she wasn't one to be messed with. She was totally Petes type; hot, dominant and smug.

They were carrying boxes. Boxes full of bags and bags full of blood. Patrick felt a wave of fear wash over him. He knew what was going on and he didn't like it. He was used to having the upper hand. He swore to apologise to Pete after this though he knew he wouldn't.

"I hope you've been enjoying your stay." The girl spoke up, her voice was like a stepped on flower, beautiful but rugged. Patrick instantly recognised her. This was Petes girlfriend, Ashlee. This was Petes dead girlfriend.

Gerard smirked and stepped closer. "I see you know my friend Ashlee here?" It was phrased more of a question. Patrick wasn't sure if he was to answer. He gave a curt nod.

"Well, you see your.. accomplice over there was stupid. He was a baby vampire that got no help. He made mistakes. He didn't kill Ashlee, he turned her. I found her and held a fake funeral so he wouldn't know any better."

Patrick felt anger bubbling under his skin. He may of hated him sometimes, but that was his Pete. He had pretended to be asleep on those motel nights but he had always heard Petes screaming and crying over her. Over the guilt. Patrick growled louder than his stomach, baring his fangs.

That's why Ashlee had called way back when. They'd been after Patrick and Pete since day one. If Pete had of picked up he would've went scrambling back to her.

"I see you've noticed the new... update... we made." Gerard grinned cheerfully, Ashlee giggling behind him. Patrick spat at them, pure cold venom.

Gerard chuckled and set the boxes down. "Well here we have your dinner. Your first and final meal, if you will!" He said like he was talking to a small child.

"I'm not hungry." Patrick lied through his teeth. He knew what they were attempting. He wasn't a fool.

Gerards eyes flooded with red. "I don't give a fuhk." He growled and punctured one of the bags with a straw. He waved it in his face. "Drink it." He growled.

"No." Patrick refused, closing his mouth straight after the word. Ashlee went behind him, grabbing his hair. She pulled his head back and squished his cheeks together, trying to force his mouth open.

"Cmon, pretty boy." Ashlee grinned.

Patrick shook his head violently. A small fire erupted beside Pete. The two superior didn't seem to notice but Pete did. He jumped awake and rubbed his eyes. Patrick was reminded of a small child waking up from nap time.

Patrick glanced at the fire. It was sudden. Had Pete caused it? Patrick then realised. He had quirks like all of the other monsters. Patrick had spent his days reading about vampires in his younger years. His father had watched him silently from his armchair like it was a normal hobby for kids. Like there was nothing messed up about the situation.

Patrick had pyrokinetics. He could create and control fire. He wondered what else he had. He wondered if he could control his quirks soon enough to get them off of him. Gerard tried and succeeded to force the straw through his lips.

Patrick squeezed his eyes shut. He couldn't escape the inevitable. He drank, spluttering. Ashlee laughed gleefully and it became clear she used to smoke.

They fed him bag after bag. Pete watched helplessly from the corner. He was shocked to see the (once) love of his life stand there without a care in the world. He had laid beside her grave and here she was, right as rain?

He needed to escape. Pete knew what happened when someone had so much blood. He glanced at the window. This was it.

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