The Kids From Yesterday

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Pete felt himself falling through space and time. Images rushed around him like a film in fast forward. Pete looked around himself in a panic, he couldn't hear the sirens anymore. He couldn't hear anything. The silence was deafening.

Pete felt himself hit a wooden floor and rubbed his face. He slowly sat himself up and looked around. He was in Patrick's house again. This time everything looked unnervingly spotless.

The fire crackled warmly. Pete had been right, the place did have a homey feel. The large fire place stood proudly in the centre of the back wall. Bookshelves and work desks pressed against the walls. There was no electronics. Beside the fireplace there was a couch and an armchair. They were both bright blue and striped and surrounded a wooden coffee table.

A man was sitting on the edge of the armchair, as though he was about to leap off of it. He looked kind and caring but his eyes held something else, he looked crazed.

He was looking at, what Pete assumes was, his son. The little boy was chubby and dressed in sweatpants and a cardigan. His hair was awkwardly split down the middle. He had an old frayed book in his hands. The title was in Latin.


"Well what?"

"It's amazing isn't it?! There's magic everywhere! We're going to defeat it though. Don't you worry your head."

The man rested his hand reassuringly on the boys knee, looking deathly serious. The uncomfortable boy looked uncertain and worried for his father. He nodded anyway and smiled weakly at him.

"Yeah dad. Of course we are."

"What're we doing?!" A high pitched voice squawked from the doorway. Pete watched a woman stubble in. She was wearing high heels, a mini skirt and a tank top. Her makeup was applied heavily and sloppy. She stumbled over to the couch.

She leaned against the arm of the chair, some beer splashing out of the tightly gripped beer bottle. "What's my little boy doing?" She looked over the boys shoulder at the book.

Her face took on a look of confusion and disgust. She plucked it out of the boys grip. The man stood up. "Give it here, Patricia." He ordered.

She rolled her eyes. "This magic bullshit again, David? Don't worry Patrick, it's all crap." She announced to her son as she drunkly tore a page out.

David stood up and quickly snatched the book from her hands. Pete watched the boy, Patrick, pick up the page and stuff it in his pocket before either of them noticed.

"Fuhk you Patricia. God, you ruin everything don't you?" David spat angrily and stormed out of the room and out of the house.

Patrick watched his parents, deflated. He sighed and watched his mother trip around in search for her purse.

Pete watched the scene disappear like he was zooming out of the memory. He shut his eyes tight, feeling dizzy. He opened his eyes again when the wind stopped whistling in his ears.

He was back in the academy. In Williams room. He slowly stood up but he couldn't hear the sirens. He walked over the door and reached out for the handle but the door suddenly opened and went right through him. Pete watched in shock as Patrick walked into the room with another boy.

The boy was tall, towering over Patrick. He had brown eyes, Pete was starting to notice a theme, and some stubble on his chin. He had a large forehead and his face held a goofy smile. Patrick sat on the bed and crossed his legs. With a closer look, Pete noticed Patrick was blushing.

Pete felt a surge of jealously run through him. Patrick liked this boy.

"So what's up, shorty?" The boy grinned.

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