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They'd been trying for ages now with no luck. William had thrown every type of obstacle at Pete and Pete hadn't been able to tackle any of them. Neither of them could figure out Petes last quirk. Pete was starting to believe he didn't even have one.

They had resorted to practicing his other two quirks at that point. William had suggested it since he'd booked the field out for another few hours and wasn't willing to let it go to waste.

Pete panted heavily and stopped beside William. It was sunny outside due to the magic of the academy. It was artificial light. Pete hasn't trusted it at first but William had dragged him out by the hair.

William was elegantly sprawled on the faux grass with shades covering his honey eyes. Pete fell to his knees beside him, gross and sweaty. He'd been running laps for what felt like days.

"You're getting faster." William observed.

"I'm getting tired." Pete mumbled and lay down, limbs flailing out in an attempt to get comfortable.

"Let's practice your shape shifting then." William sat up and crossed his legs. Pete groaned, rolling over and getting a mouth full of spiky grass. He forced himself to sit upright and stare at William.

His hair grew out and gained more volume, his features shrunk and he became taller. Petes skin bubbled and his stubble retreated back into his skin unnervingly. "How do I look?" Pete grinned when his skin had stopped bubbling.

William tilted his head, staring at the carbon copy of himself questioningly. "Sexy." He concluded, making Pete roll his eyes.

William smirked. "Hey Pete? What did you look like as a teenager?"

Pete groaned and shut his eyes. "I don't even wanna talk about it." Pete informed him, not even noticing the changes his body was undergoing. His face went back normal before slowly becoming younger. His hair grew out rapidly, flowing over his shoulders with a natural wave to it. His tattoos disappeared and his skin became more tan. His features seemed a lot bigger, like they took over his entire face.

"It was horrible. I never wanna think of it again." Pete rubbed his eyes before opening them. 

Pete looked at Williams amused face with confusion. "What? What's so funny?"

William broke then, he couldn't contain himself. Petes eyes widened and he looked down at himself in horror. "No!" He screamed in terror, tugging at his hair. "Oh please no!"

Pete quickly squeezed his eyes shut and tried to form back into his normal self. "Oh please no. I don't want another ponytail!" He whined loudly.

"Ponytail!" William cried and laughed. "Oh my god! Look at you!" He shrieked and rolled around on the grass. Pete whined and covered his face with his hands, not that his hair wasn't already doing it for him.

William rolled around on the grass laughing, stopping every few minutes until he saw him again. Pete waited impatiently until William had calmed down to speak. "Can you please cut my hair? I'll do anything."

William chuckled and wiped his eyes. He stood up and nodded. "Sure, little man. You can meet some of my friends while you're at it."

Pete groaned. He didn't want anyone to ever see him like this but he had no choice.

Pete followed William through the corridors, blending in with the other mismatched students. They moved through the students milling about and got to Williams dorm. Pete followed him in through the door, freezing when he saw the other occupant of the room.

He was tall, very tall, and Pete recalled William telling him his name was Gabe. Gabes features were sharp, his nose had a slight point and his jawline was defined. His lips were full and Pete found his gaze lingering there momentarily. He was embarrassed, standing in front of one of the hottest boys he'd seen while looking like his teenage self.

His skin bubbled and two of his tattoos reappeared. His face seemed to fill itself out properly, his lips no longer taking up with entire face. His eyebrows became bushier and his hair grew shorter with a slight spike to it.

He stared at the boy, Gabe, with a hint of longing. He needed to get over Patrick, he was pointless to think of romantically now. He was officially off limits. Pete swallowed back the flower rising in his throat.

Pete came back to reality when Gabe broke eye contact with him. William sat down at his desk and leaned back in his chair. "Group meeting." He said, clear and simple.

Gabe nodded and stood up. "I'll go round up the girls." He sent a wink Petes way and rushed out the door.

"Gabes a no." William stated. Pete opened his mouth to protest but was cut off by the door dramatically slamming open. The girls that thundered in looked just as dramatic as their entrance.

"Let me at him!"

Pete watched in fear as two girls stormed into the room. The one who had spoke had long dark hair and a grunge look to her. Her eyes were smeared with black makeup, she was the definition of a scene girl. Pete couldn't deny that she was pretty.

The other girl calmly stepped in and glided over to the bed. Her black hair was in pigtails and her lips glowed a vibrant red.

William rolled his eyes. "Alicia, stop mauling the poor boy. Pete that's Alicia and this is Lindsey" William informed him.

Alicia stopped pinching Petes cheeks and stepped back. "You're cute," she winked. Pete was starting to wonder if everyone in the academy was a natural flirt.

William gathered them up into a small circle. "You know how the alarm sounded? It wasn't a false alarm. It was Pete-"

Suddenly, the walls glowed red again and the siren sounded. "Fuhk it! I'll explain on the way! Pete, stay here. I gotta find someone." William jumped up and grabbed his bow and arrow. The other three followed suit, leaving Pete in the dust.

Pete felt himself start to shake. They were here. Patrick had found him and he'd brought Gerard and Ashlee. Pete jumped up and started to pace. He tugged at his hair, desperately trying to come up with some form of plan.

Pete groaned. He was frustrated at himself. He couldn't let Patrick control his entire life. Pete stomped his foot like an angry child.

The floorboard beneath him squeaked uncertainly. Pete noticed it looked detached from the rest. He knelt down and tugged it off. There was a small hole in the floor. In it lay a single hat.

Pete frowned and slowly picked it up. He examined it curiously and noticed the name sewed onto it.


Pete slowly placed it on his head and realised his last quirk.


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